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Things escalate and Mei gets locked in a full nelson rutting 😳

Some of you may remember the Junker Queen and Mei animation I did from the past, I'm happy to say that the models I'm using for this project are a definite upgrade compared to those.

Someone put me on to @femshoptop's new Junker Queen model. In fact literally the DAY I STARTED working on this animation he released his new model so the timing literally couldn't have been better. I talked to him a bit and commissioned him to do an outfit for Junker Queen specifically for this project which he also already finished (For a different segment in the animation).

Also after some back and forths I think I have the VA's and screenplay just about finalized. If anyone's curious about that, I can go a bit into it once it's set in stone just to be sure.

All in all I'm really happy with how things are shaping up and I'm starting on animating a cock-shock segment now. Hope you like and thanks all for your support ^^




So hyped gonna be a masterpiece as always


Oof awesome!


Already looks amazing ❤️


Mei’s body is the best I’ve ever seen, you are the GOAT


YOU GO QUEEENNN!! TEAR DAT COOKIE UP!!! Luv Odessa’s new look 🥲 piercings and all!! 👌 needs cream😋


Yeah death to Mei in a sex sense. Hope you make it screamy af


Every single one of your animations just gets better and better I love their facial expretions and their bodies


Mei looking nice and thick.


This is going to be great! Are you using the same VA for mei? Her screams was next level


I love this already


AWW YEAH 🔥 🔥 🔥


Thanks dude! Definitely an uphill battle to try and improve so really glad you think so 🥰 Also yeah pretty happy with the face expressions especially considering Junker Queens were tediously done by moving like 30 face bones 💀


Thanks! If all goes through and she remains available the planned VA is someone I haven't worked with before who can do a extremely close imitation of Mei.


Oh snap ok! Hopefully it all works out then I'm excited and looking forward to it


Yeeeeeesssssssssssss. This is perfect.....I want Mei to get absolutely pummeled like this the whole way


Dear lord....slow that engine down lol my hips hurt just watching lol looks like another banger.


I am seriously hyped by your work, I impatiently await each news,thank you

Jermaine Johnson

You should give her a stomach bulge in that position. We’d love that

Communist Raccoon

This is gonna be so good… meis looking great!

Jeremiah Bright

Now this is what I call a good treat, excellent work as always.

Gustavo Henriques

I found the quality of the animation a little rushed, will it improve in the final delivery? but it's very good


Ah hell yeah, look all that plumpness bouncing around! Loving already!


The dick piercings are pretty cool looking. I wish more Futas had that as well as cock rings


This looks so fucking good, man. Stomach bulge would take it up a notch, but it's already a top tier animation. The speed reflects my pace - I can relate to that lol.


Looks like another smash hit from the GOAT 🐐 👏👏 🔥

Ed Davis

how do you watch full length videos


The day you decide to do something DC related with Wonder Woman futa is the day I die happy

Nil Desperadum

The phat cats are a thing of beauty not gonna lie 🔥

Ryan Clarson

All you need to do is extend these masterpieces now 🔥15-20mins if possible 🙏🏻 best content creator out here!


Thats why it’s called “work in progress” of course its going to improve. No need to say it looks rushed or ask if it will be improved. Of course it will be! 🙄😑


Oh fuck YEESSSS, have Diana rail Lois in her office , The Fortress of Solitude, or better yet Thymescira as a breeding Ceremony!!!

Hisen Berg

Bro☠️ master piece animation like this can't go 15 or 20 mins cuz it's impossible

Hisen Berg

I LOVE your WORK MAN W 🔥 BIG W 🔥🔥🔥