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Ada's shmeat pops the top buttons off Lady D's blouse from pounding too hard

This is an idea from Rikolo that I really loved, and it wouldn't be easily possible without the work he did on the clothes. So from that point on we have a better view of the action as well. Currently we also plan to have a coomshot at the end to make things extra messy.

Will be working on the intro now as well as more to the main action which I'll try to have another update on soon.

As a sidenote I wanted to thank everyone once again for being really supportive during this past month, I'm trying to take as good care of myself as possible to promote healing so I'm hoping for the best. With the hearing loss part of what happened to me I still plan to work on the sound, but it'll probably be a bit more difficult for me, so I also want to get in contact with a professional for the mixing and mastering portion to make sure the audio quality is either the same of better than past projects. Possibly make a game-plan on how to find out exactly what frequencies I might not be able to hear at all or as well, then make sure I move and shift them where they need to be as I work on it, and as I finish.

Hope you guys enjoy and thanks a ton for everything, I honestly am really thankful that everything I've seen was everyone here and on twitter being nothing but supportive. I'll do my best and will keep trying to improve everywhere I can.



Rob J

This just made my day, thank you❤️


Oh man that close up looks amazing. Glad to see that you’re feeling better and putting out a wip so soon🫡🫡

James Pulley

Glad your persevering thru it all. Good luck with everything. This piece is looking amazing as always

Julian Watkins

Sorry to hear about your health issues, best wishes on your recovery process. Kind of makes commenting on how righteous this wip is seem silly. But excellent work, as always.


dont get me wrong, naw you can never go wrong. Like what im seeing, love the excessive sweating and lewd display, but please tell me, will they eventually be naked? It makes your work so much hotter 😋🙏🏻 I’ll always be praying for you, may your strength and health last for years.

Alexander st

Awesome work man, hope you doing good


Can you pls tell me where is full episode videos I have taken membership but I see videos but they are already leaked.

Tristan s

Can't wait for the full scene

Nil Desperadum

Take your time and stay up


I'm happy to hear you're doing better! I love the primal titfuck

Jeremiah Bright

It’s always exciting to see two Goats making a project together. I can’t wait to see the things you and Rikolo are going to do in this animation.


This reminds me of the Ada Sheva animation which is one of my favorites from you. Such incredible work.


You’re doing an amazing job, so glad you are overcoming the obstacle and hoping for the best outcome for you bro. Some solid plans in motion! 👏👏👍 can’t wait to see more! 🤤


If only it was the other way around! But still great animation


Sweet Jesus this looks absolutely incredible


I hope things get better for you, I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with this. Take as much time as you need, and this looks great btw!


The combinations you two can create is so incredible

Akira Amamiya

Always so good love your animations so much🥰


The final product gonna be phenomenal as always I'm so happy to see you back into the action Rad ❤️

My left nut

Lady D better be careful you could take an eye out with that weapon. Stay awesome man and I'm routing for you.


Genuinely the hottest piece of media any human has, or humans have, ever created. That's coming from THE spunkmeister2k19, so it's high praise.


what a fantastic wip🥵🥵, glad you are feeling better❤️,thank you news


Ayoooooo. Great work as always!!!!!


Your animations will always be top tier regardless of whether you need a sound mixer or not. Welcome back, Rad ❤️

Rob Buck

Why so short love the animation but all videos are short smh

A LoLo

This is so 🔥 please tell me this is gunna be a full animation eventually


It is an animation but those are just tid bits of it like a work in progress

Kiddy Del Valle

I wish some blowjob scene but for now it seem perfect


more lara croft and tribal futa pls xD

Jose Alty

One of the GOATS has returned

Lamarr Durham

Hopefully Ada wearing her leather boots


I was worried about you and was very happy the moment I noticed your update. Your sound engineering techniques are excellent. Even if you leave it to the professionals, I hope they can express the intensity and roughness of the sound as before.


Anyone else not have audio?


There's usually no audio in the WIP. It's usually the last job in the process.