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Happy New Year!

I've got a passion for working on Red Alert that I haven't felt in years. I really want to finish this story, but it's going to be a long time in the telling! In the upcoming pages we'll be finding out what happened to Rick and She-Hulk and visiting Rio's Ranchero! The best burritos in New Mexico-- served with a big slice of Gamma cheesecake!

Just in case youre looking at this and thinking 'that's all well and good, but where's the SHRRRIPPING?' Fear not! I'm also working on a new 'stock hulk-out' sequence for Betty into Red She-Hulk. Not sure if I'll use these drawings or go with something different-- this year I really want to challenge myself by presenting transformation stages in new ways and angles I haven't tried before.

All this and I haven't even gotten to the Hulk yet! He'll be having his showdown with Stormcry, MODOK, Red She-Hulk and..... ????

Stay tuned!



Agent Zero

Stock Hulk out off to a great start!


Looks so promising ! :)


Page five… “Traitor!”


Seriously though, your 1982 Betty is second to none. And I’m glad you’re using this project to expose us to your other great love… Transformers! You catch that G1 aesthetic very well.


Is that Rom? The final cherry to the fine 80’s nostalgia fest that has been red Alert. I remember you mentioning you wanted to make it about a trade paperback length. Whilst the cost and reality of self publishing it would be unfeasible (not to mention copyright issues) it would be a nice dream to have an official manic creation on the book shelf


The way this thing is going it'll be multiple trade paperbacks! I'd love to have something in print though, even if it were just for myself. That isn't ROM, it's a particularly hench AIM soldier who is based on a fan favourite Star Wars character (which SAS-art guessed correctly in the comments below)


Yeah, I like the drawings but... I dunno, I want something really WOW, and I'm not sure that is it.

James Winfield

I wonder if a long form hulkout would serve 1982-Betty some justice? More focused on each part? I’m not sure but it’s fun to brainstorm!

AC Marvel

Can't wait to see it all