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I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I just LOVE to draw ladies getting big! I just can't help myself! And even when I have a million other things I should be working on, I can't resist scratching that itch. This sequence is an update/revamp of my old character Valkyrie. I'm not drawing her wings (pain in the bum to draw, those) but I'm imagining that those are summoned as and when she needs. Here she's transforming in front of her boyfriend for the first time, as she's just caught him looking at pictures of her alter-ego online.




Is this meant to be a belated sequel?


Hell yeah manic, all for it 100% say it loud and proud.

Ian Raffaele

You’ve really been spoiling us lately with all these updates.


Time to make the boy a man, if he makes it through the night.

James Winfield

Can’t say we suffer because of your love of drawing big women! This is an awesome revisit! I like the idea of her wings being a part of her that is summoned when needed


Awesome update of a classic Manic character! I love the redesign. Also, I’ve always loved the TF trope of transforming in front of a boyfriend for the first time.


As weird as it is to say based on what’s going on, I do like Valkyrie’s new costume and the braids.


can this character have an adventure or storyline like the old characters?

Dr. Lecter

Hell !!! You like drawing women growing up ?! 😱 You've been hiding your game from us all this time, little snake. Joking aside, I can't wait to see your Valkyrie's new design. 😁 It would be cool to see a transformation into Freyja, the Queen of the Valkyries, in the style of God of War. 😈


Sorry to comment on my comment, but I love the idea of a girl telling her bf, “Oh, you like the big-muscled, big-tittied super goddess?? Well, guess what? I AM her!” And then falling to the floor on all fours and ripping out of her clothes. So hot.


Thanks! Kind of came up with that on the fly. It's not too bad, I might embellish it a little.


on the final page of the first episode it said "chapter 2: training day"

Agent Zero

really like her new costume