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It's finally here!

Sorry a new South Park episode took so long to put up on Patreon; things have been wacky and busy lately.

But yes, Season 13 is finally here for patrons, and...it's an interesting one for sure. We don't often see a Kenny-focused episode, but here we have one, and apparently he's got a girlfriend, and he's looking to get some action!

Buuuuut there's some wierd culty behavior going on with Disney and the Jonas brothers, I guess? And because of this, Kenny cannot catch a break...

Or so we think???



Yesss, thank you Otter! I Hope your having a nice Friday


im pretty sure the canda on strike episode in season 12 was about the writers strike at the time but i could be wrong


also i swear this is one of those seasons where i have to constantly look up to see what episodes are in this season and then get confused how i forgot because i love every single episode except for 1 or 2 episodes


Yay one of my favourite Kenny episodes and the introduction of Mickey, the most evil South Park villain and IRL villain ever. XD

Adam Grunther

Don’t ever fuck with Mickey Mouse, ESPECIALLY if you’re from DreamWorks! Mickey is honestly one of my favorite villains to ever appear in the show. As someone who used to work at Disney this episode has honestly gotten even funnier for me.


I think my favourite part of the episode is when Cartman is about to rant how Disney is selling sex to little girls. Guy was about to make a correct moral point for the first time in his life and Mickey Mouse had him shut down. XD


I feel like that's almost....self-referential? Perhaps not the right word but something along those lines!

John Curran

For me it’s the end. Just the delivery on how we learn of Kenny’s C.o.D just makes me laugh