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Having exploded into a murderous rage, Ruby lashed out at Kanon, driven by whatever demons had risen out of her inner darkness. With their bodies covered in slick gel it was hard for either of them to gain footing and deliver hard strikes, and unfortunately for the masseuse, she was the first to slip and fall sideways back into the mattress.

“Please! No miss!” she pleaded to no avail. Blind with bloodlust, the red head seized the opportunity and threw herself on top of the Asian woman, quickly wrapping her limbs around her prey - before pulling back with all of her strength.

“You thought you had me, bitch?” She repeated over and over as she cranked Kanon’s neck and spine in opposite directions, locking her down the masseuse in a literal rear naked choke.

Kanon yelped, squealed and finally croaked as she was being deprived of air. Her oiled breasts heaving up and thrashing from side to side violently. Hands came up to claw at the red head’s face. Too late. With every breath not taken, her strength waned and soon enough ... both arms fell limply to either side.

(To be continued.)



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