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Suddenly Baram burst through the doors. Long legs. Long strides. Arms swinging overhead to either side as she flung the doors open. Catwalking across the penthouse living room space toward the training mat, undeterred by shame nor self-awareness, while a child-like digitized voice announced in her ear-piece.

“You’ve reached your destination - your highness. The dead drop is here.” It said, somehow managing to sound uninspired and celebratory at the same time.

“Kill the blonde and the brute, then search the location. Got it.” Subvocalized Baram as a response.

“I did not say that.” annotated Visage, but Baram was unfortunately two steps ahead.

“Chill.” She stated. “I have the perfect method to instigate a fight.”

“You mean other than barging into private property like you just did?” commented Visage, by now knowing full well Baram had already gone ballistic and was no longer responsive to guidance.

On the mat, Alva and Luna were locked in a stretch and although Alva was completely unfazed by the intrusion, Luna was in high-alert mode, throwing confused glances left and right trying to figure out why Baram seemed determined to blow her cover. Had Madam Z sent her to bail her out? Was it time to abort the operation?

By then Baram had leaped onto the mat, striking a pose and pointing accusingly at the girls, while simultaneously declaring with a loud and clear voice.

“Bitch! Get off my workout mat!”

Luna blinked. Alva glanced. Visage clicked. And the longest second, the world seemed to freeze for the most awkward photo moment - until Alva finally broke the spell.

“Pedro, please kill the clown.”

(To be continued.)



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