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Heads up agents! It's time for the promised look at one of Baram's opponents in the upcoming Operation: Rising Star. --  A Warrior of Xin, showing us her best camera angle.

The invaders from planet Xin are a fearsome warmongering race who have laid waste to countless civilizations before coming to our world.

Their mythical origins are nebulous. Buried under eons of imperial propaganda Void-walker folklore.

But the most popular theories entertain the notion that the Warriors of Xin were originally a caste of gynoid slaves who rose against their masters and brought down the First Empire before marching across the galaxy in a revenge-fueled crusade to satisfy their blood lust.

And now, our only hope is … the Lovely Star Ranger -- Baram.

Stay tuned for more sneak peaks in the coming weeks, and as always, leave a comment or throw a DM my way, I'm always happy to hear from you!



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