4K Special [08-19-23] - Operation: Firestorm Teaser! (Patreon)
As we cross the 4K milestone on DeviantArt I couldn't be happier! DA is the platform where this journey started, and back then I had no idea what kind of crazy journey lay ahead of me. But we took the punches and punched back with all our might at the obstacles that life threw our way. So here we are, two years later still in the fight. Pretty cool huh?
Looking back to my earlier work, I feel I've made significant progress in my work process and technique, and one of the things I always strive for is to challenge myself with every new project.
The Strikeforce series is therefore, the perfect arena to do so. Why? Because the main difference between this series the other two production lines, is that it has a longer production run, and consequently it allows for a large scale project with increased complexity.
I think Operation: Rising Star was proof of this. I was able to create a larger set piece, vehicles, killer drones and add tons of explosions to mix. BUT, being the masochist that I am, I - WANT - MORE. (And I'm sure you do too.)
So I think it's time, ladies and gentlemen. It's time for the ... TOOOOUUUUURNAMEEEENT AAAAARCCCC!!! (dramatic modulated deep voice with an echo)
The eccentric philanthropist known only as The Countess has organized a women only martial arts tournament on a private island somewhere in the South Pacific, with the promise of fulfilling the victor's ultimate wish. No matter how outrageous.
Following this lead, agents Luna and Maya infiltrate the event, hoping to discover the whereabouts of their missing agent - Sadie - and uncovering the insidious Rook Company's plans.
What they find however, will put loyalties to the test and the fate of the entire world, at risk.
But this is not all. In the coming weeks I'll reveal even more details on this special project to my dear Patrons, as I fully map out the road ahead. Extensive cast of new characters. Special location with multiple combat arenas. Tons of new outfits. All in hope of making the Hex-brand tournament you always wanted!
I hope you are as excited as I am for this one. It's probably going to rip my soul out. But it's going to be worth it. >:)
Stay tuned for more news, till then, over and out!