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heartstopperep5.mp4 - Onehub

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As someone now leading a Nick Nelson Appreciation Life, I gotta say I love how much you too appreciate his perfection! Your enthusiasm and how invested you get with each episode is awesome to watch!

Luis Nov

I can not imagine how hard it is for you to pick only two scenes for the thumbnail 🫂 just too much wholesomeness


Im so glad i signed up, getting the full reaction is so much better. Plus i get more time to see my heartstopper

Christopher Hunter

I'm appreciating the show all the more through someone else's eyes

Tymm Gwayn

I am so glad to see this... your reactions to Heartstopper aren't fast enough for me. LOL Having seen the series many times for reasons... I'm doing a review/ranking of characters... I love watching YOUR reaction to each episode. I actually DID cry when Charlie opened the gift and there was the picture of them and Nellie in the snow. What makes me giggle about that scene is Nick saying that he didn't have time to shop but there was time to develop a picture and craft a frame. Hahahaha Nick is a love god. Even to those who are not on his radar for relationships, (Imogen). How wonderfully sensitive is that dude? Jay, I think you are a real life Nick. I can see you taking care of your friends and a significant other the way Nick does for Charlie and all his friends.

Terry Elmer

Your reactions are just as perfect as the show. A joy to watch.

Michael Maldonado

Absolutely love this series don’t know how your able to wait a week or more for the next I had to binge watch the whole season just find out what happens next. Can’t wait also for your next Charmed epsisode Pipers Wedding 💕💕💕


Just close my eyes and randomly screenshot the episode, seems to work every time with this show 😆

Richard Collette

Hi Jay, Your reactions to Heartstopper is so real, sincere and open minded. People like you give me hope that someday who you love is just celebrated in any relationship. This series is so popular because,I believe, it simply makes you happy. I'm an old gay man and I smile a lot after seeing Nick and Charlie . The people who put this together are remarkable. No sex,no swearing and supportive parents make the show more reachable to many young people,gay or straight to see with family. I grew up in a time that being gay would,if found out, send you to the hospital or buried you and most people wouldn't of cared. Your reaction as a young hetro man showed me that better days are here and will continue. Mostly I watch music reaction videos,Alex and Andy are awesome, but now you got me hooked with Heartstopper. I'll be looking at more of your videos and smile all the way through.

Sara Nissen

Another nice reaction. Sad her dog died, and I can understand if Nick didn't want to potentionaly upset her (more) on top of that, but at least he found a moment to tell her, so she didn't feel he was leading her on, if it went on for too long, and she was good about it. And such sweet present Nick gave Charlie. Even if he didn't have time to shop for anything, it was still put together by him, and just as good as anything he could have bought, simply because it was from him.

Rachel R Saxton

One thing I haven't seen mentioned anywhere that I really loved was the very last bit with Imogen and Nick. She was so on point. What could be seen as a snarky comment was actually such an act of kindness. She deflected attention from Nick there and I am sure she did it on purpose. Nick didnt have to explain or say anything. By stating that it was her decision, Harry just teased Nick for a moment and let it go. Really nice moment for Imogen.

Tymm Gwayn

Unlike most folk, I happen to like Imogen. The character wasn't in the graphic novels and was created especially for the show. Alice Ozeman made her to give Nick just a bit more tension before the resolve. She's the most beautiful resonate chord just before the ending major note to end the climactic phrase in the score. I think we'll see Imogen's character become a TRUE ally in Paris. That's just my hope.