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Sara Nissen

An okay episode. Glad Quinn is alive, and she is so determent to walk again, which is good even if she put Artie down a bit, when she didn't want to compare their situations, because god forbit if she should stay in that chair forever(indirectly not wanting on be like Artie), but I also understand Artie, that the possibility that she might not recover could be there, and she has to think about that too, even if I also think he thinks it's nice not to be the only one in a wheelchair, and that he can show her his world. Their two duets are really great, but my favorite song in this episode is Fighter by Blaine; it's my favorite Christina Anguilera song, and one of my favorite Blaine songs of the series. Blaines brother annoys me a bit, but it's nice that we see, that he is actually really proud of Blaine.


I love how much you love Blaine 😆 He's definitely my fave so I love any episode where we get 3+ songs from him!

Benjamin Smith

Being Quinn and Blaine were the central focus, a big missed opportunity imo was to have Quinn and Blaine do a final duet type song at the end of the episode.