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"And i think...."

"That you ou're too aggressive.... to be soo delicious..."

that's either a threat or a flirt .... knowing Jill probably both

No doubt the relationship between these two is... complicated and if you add a third danger element to the formula everything becomes more chaotic.




How long does it take you to make a full multi-panel from start to finish from scratch miss Jane, especially one as... colorful as this one~?


A lot, I once uploaded a video showing a bit of the animation process and you can imagine what it's like to pose every bone, adjust the animation, fix every texture, every shape, there are many things to make everything look good and I've already told you how perfectionist I can be, and it's all because I want to capture what I fantasize as well as I can and convey exactly the emotions as I imagine them.


It's nice that you showed us a short glimpse into what you do a while back and I've always wondered the difference in making the actual animation itself and panels like these~ Its a lot either way it sounds like... another reason to say Thank You~ ❤️


Well, Gabi and Jill now back under the same roof. Got to wonder if Emily will talk about what happen. What will be confessed? lol. Again, what is going through Emily's mind? You wonder if she wants to be Gabi or Jill now affter being inside of her. I sense envy brewing. Something's going to be exposed, or known, but I wonder whose going to consume. lol. Gabi still looks bigger and can consume Jill if she wants to. lol.

Rasiku Campbell

This sounds likes it's going to be wonderfully chaotic to watch. Nice sisterly bite back too. This has the potential to be either be really funny with all three of them together, or extremely stressful and awkward. I so wish there was a chance to animate this into a show with voice acting, music, and a traditional sitcom theme song.


Thank you Ryan I really love to give life to these things that go through my head and share them with you who like them as much as I do, but it is very nice that you also recognize all the work that goes into each thing.