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I really love these extra shots especially the first one, first I would love to have legs like that, I'm sure I could crush the skull of more than one, and second Kim is now in the same position as all those pizzas that Brigitte was devouring before he arrived and for her it's just another meal just a little more fun.



Air Balloon

the 3rd pic is chef kiss, nice angle and good work.

Matthew Watson

I love the second last one. I was hoping we'd see a different perspective than profile for that. It was better in profile for the actual one, but I was curious about her expression there.


Such a beautiful fully belly with weigh down pleasure of her prey


How in God's name can something... someone, be so beautiful~?😍❤️🔥🫠🫠🫠

Rasiku Campbell

If you were that tall and strong, you could probably do it with just your fingers. You'll have your time one day, but until then, dream up the storm you will bring to the world.


Hehe thanks Air I'm glad you liked it, finding the best angles is always difficult, it's hard for me to decide.


I would say that she is very concentrated, trying to understand everything she is feeling.


For all I know, she probably wants more. lol.