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Two emotions so confusing and difficult to portray, because I think they exist in a balance difficult to differentiate one from the other or to put limits on them.

But that lead us to act in the most curious and unthinkable ways, that's what this story is about, but who do you think feels more in this case?

Hehe I really love this story, even more with the idea I have to expand this world.

Although its animation wow is quite heavy, I am already saving up to upgrade this computer a little bit and to create everything I want to for this sequel.




To want it or want to be a part of it? In a way do we really have control of our emotions or do the emotions control us? What an internal conflict. Looking forward to it Jane. Continue to grow and always own your passions and never stop dreaming.


Jummm I think it is much more common for emotions to run wild and end up taking us to places we never imagined we would go, or did not imagine we could get, thank you Noah I feel good, I had been very anxious.