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"Bri.... .wha..t are you.."

Kim must be panicking a little with the pressure increasing.

And brigitte holding back less and less, tightening her abdomen just a little bit, more and more.

I'll just say that Brigitte will be a big threat, if she doesn't control her desires just a little bit, but I won't say more for now hehe hey guys, hope you have a good week, I'll keep working on these next pages.




Uh oh? She’s starting to give in. Lol. The desire is settling in.

Rasiku Campbell

Hope you have a great week too. Just remember to recharge your batteries once in a while. You can't eat the world if you're not around to do it.

Michael Chiarcos

I'm surprised she held off this long. I suppose the only thing that has kept Kim from being crushed to paste or digested for good is the desire Brigitte has to experience more from him before she ends him. If she had already digested him, she would have never had the opportunity to experience unbirthing him. Now I wonder what she's going to do with him next? Will it be the last time she enjoys him or will she "Lather, Rinse and Repeat"?




Gracxias Rasiku that I will try, I know that it is healthier and I must be to continue growing hehe