Reins of the Tomb Raider Chapters 8 & 9 (Patreon)
Lara Croft is arrested in a country that punishes people by turning them into beasts of burdens. Things go very, very bad for her.
This was the very first spicy story I ever planned out, but it took a while to actually write it. It's seen a few different versions - one on Hentai Foundry, one on Adult Fan Fiction, and one over on @lindadb's site that you can find here:…. The DBComix one has a couple of chapters that were added specifically for that version and will not be available anywhere else, even here. I'm a big fan of DBComix in general, especially anything written by Nimrod and most of the Lunagirl stuff, and I highly recommend the site as a whole.
This version will have sporadic art by @Katsiika, because Katsiika does good art. I'm going to publish the first four chapters here as a holiday present for everyone, and then publish another chapter whenever I hit a certain number of subscribers here and elsewhere for those subscribers. I've got something planned for those of you at the $9 tier...
Next week, we return with Mine Hermione 5 and Streets of Rage 7. Stay safe out there until then, friends.
Chapter eight has 2,098 words and chapter nine has 1,626 words.