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A true Fanatic has never doubted their faith, and so it only looks strong.

This is gonna be weird one, but I love Sentinels of the Multiverse. It's a tactical card game where you and your friends play a team of superheroes fighting against a game-controlled super villain while dealing with environmental hazards. It's surprisingly simple to learn, quick to play, and fun if you're into that kind of thing (which I clearly am). The heroes they present are obvious stand-ins for other heroes (Legacy is Superman, the Wraith is Batman, et al), but one of the more interesting they did outside of game design was include color references to old comics, building out a massive degree of lore that rivals any existing comic company for depth and volume, only without the actual comic books. They reference out-of-comics media and politics for when the comics apparently existed, which is all stuff I find fascinating and I wanted to play a bit in their world. I've also referenced that SotM had a massive impact on the development of Chains of the Irkalla in the past. Highest possible recommendation, a real 10/good.

Artwork is provided by BalthaZarDragon, who does an incredible job capturing the look and feel of a comic universe that doesn't exist. He can do the same for you, so if you need some artwork done I cannot recommend him enough. Other artwork is from the official game, which you should play.

Should I do more board game-based stories? Let me know. I've been kicking around an idea for Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time for a while.

Spooky Season continues with All's Fair part six and the next spooky issue of this very story. Should be good times.

This chapter is 3,487 words long.



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