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The oligarchs that rule the world are tired of uncontrolled "heroes" thwarting their profits. It's time to change and control the narrative.

Resident Evil is awesome. The games, the mythology, the stage shows, the whole thing. Just an incredibly cool series from beginning to end, and I had a terrible idea on how to exploit it, so here we go...

The cover and interior art was done by @regaliarender, who did a fucking fantastic job capturing the sheer scale and horror these characters are going to suffer. They do some pretty cool stuff on their page, so go check it out. Artwork is sporadic for the $7+ subscribers, and I'll post some variants for the $9 subscribers as the story goes on.

The whole franchise is owned by Capcom, so go play the games and enjoy them. Just brilliant stuff.

Next week we'll wrap up Sentinels of the Multiverse: Enslaved Eight and continue Critical Role: Orphan Taker with the second chapter. Stay safe out there, friends. Voting season is going to be rough.

This chapter has 3,556 words.



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