Final Fantasies 7 (Patreon)
The first tale from Final Fantasy V - Shivered Timbers. Pirates ahead, matey.
There was a theory way back when that the first thirteen or so Final Fantasy games all took place between the end and the beginning of Final Fantasy I, during the time loop. That you can track the world falling apart from XIII all the way back through II. I remember reading a couple essays about it (no idea where they are now or if they still exist) and I wanted to play with that concept a bit, so here we are. This one's going to take forever...
Along the way with me for this journey is Meeps123h, who will be providing the cover art and the interior art in chapters to come. If you like what you see there, make sure to check out his page, shout some thanks his way, and maybe get a commission from him. Dude has some incredible art and some amazing things planned.
If you like this story, want to support me, and want to see everything I've got to offer you can either sign up for a subscription here or join me over on patreon at
Christmas is coming. It's nearly here. HunterClause has a brand new chapters in All's Fair and Residential Evil all ready for you, and they're both up next week~!!
This chapter has 2,570 words.