Hawkeye - Queen Takes Bishop #7 - Show and Told (Patreon)
Kate is given one last chance to walk away.
@Meeps123h did the gorgeous cover that, all these months later, I still find myself staring at in awe. Stunning work. And that interior art is just beautiful. Why not go and thank him for both?
This chapter is for subscribers only, and it's pretty good, I think. You might think so, too. Why not take a look at your options at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera…? Everything posted here can also be found at my Patreon, so if you're not comfortable with deviantArt subscriptions, you can always go and join there: www.patreon.com/hunteropera/po…
I'm also available to chat about this and my other stories over on discord at discord.gg/m2wGHv3e and ko-fi if you'd like to tip your writer: ko-fi.com/hunteropera
Beyond that, have a good weekend and we'll see you with the next part of Kate's adventures, and check in with Natasha in Black Site Widow. Until then, friends, stay safe out there.
This chapter is 1,737 words.