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Water is water there is no difference, all water is "harmful" for devil fruit users.


nah Joe, Ryuma is a different breed, the one that zoro fought on thriller bark is nowhere near the actual one. That Ryuma was a beast all over.

Coping McCoperson

Man please drop this and watch real anime


man please leave negative opinions outside of the comments. let him watch what he wants

Coping McCoperson

omg thank you so much. Thanks to your pointless comment I have seen the error of my ways and will now striive to be a better person. Thank you so much morally superior patreon comment person


As if telling him to watch something else is gonna change anything 🤣 how long did it take you to come up with that much sarcasm 🤣🤣 I ain’t superior I just don’t give af and want him to enjoy whatever he wants to watch


so they get weak af when they bathe? Also they drink water right? The body is made up of water too. This is scientifically very confusing. I always thought it was just sea water.


Yes they get weak if they bath if you have watched One Piece Movie Gold here you can see it as example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEdZJfpBV6Y&ab_channel=onepiececlips And here something from Oda directly its from the SBS 41 in which Oda answers question from the community often its kinda stupid/funny/pervert stuff maybe you want to check out some SBS for yourself on/offstream. Here the question related to water: Odacchi! Here's a question for you! Crocodile can't fight water because he's "sand," right? Then how does he bathe?! Does he at all?! That's filthy!! Do you bathe, Odacchi? by Crocodile's Mother O: First of all, let's discuss the problem of Devil Fruit users bathing themselves. People who have eaten a Devil Fruit are "hated" by the sea, and cannot swim. The "sea" here can refer to anything from rivers, pools and baths to any kind of standing water. On a worldwide level, they are all the "sea." When these people enter the water, not only can they not use their powers, they have trouble moving their bodies at all. They might be able to struggle a bit, but it wouldn't do much good. That's if their entire bodies are submerged in the "sea." With less than half the body or just the limbs, it gets easier. Also, rain and dripping water have no effect at all. Therefore, hip baths or showers are the most common choice. Now, in Crocodile's case, "water" is the weakness of his very powers, so his abilities are robbed even in the shower. But it's not like there are enemies around when you take a shower, so I'd bet he would take them even with his powers being blocked. Don't you think? ---And to answer your final question, about myself bathing. As it happens, I do bathe. Twice! In a year!


WDYM "it's not like there are enemies around when you take a shower"? Literally anyone w/ proper intel on Crocodile would bumrush him after confirming he's taking a shower...


nah the way it works is regardless of what fluid it is, if they are submerged up to the waist they will begin to lose their strength and get weak (they lose the ability to swim itself). if it goes past that they will get weaker and weaker until they cant move anymore. The difference between seawater and other fluids is that just touching seawater alone for too long can weaken them whereas just touching freshwater and other fluids will not weaken them. Thats why nothing happens when they just get rained on or splashed by sea waves. An example is the fact that back in Skypiea, Luffy fell into the cloud sea and still drowned even tho it wasnt seawater.

Trevor Stevenson

Oda confirmed that water that "washes off of you" (i.e. rain/shower water) doesn't affect devil fruit users, but it doesn't matter if it's salt or fresh water, the more of their body that is submerged in it, the weaker they get

Master Oogway

hence why robin didn't want to be fully in the hot bath, "got to be ready if anything happens" close enough to what she said


Yo i recently rewatched the loguetown episodes and small carpenter guy Franky worked under was there. That dude was traveling all around the world it seems