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How is the episode not directly following the Straw Hats actually one of my favorite One Piece episodes ever? Phenomenal.


Fabian Peters

At this point Megumi Ishitani is one of the best directors in the industry, she is soooo good. You are not ready for the Wano episodes she worked on

Elite cobra

That wb bounty is super off but I won't spoil


damn that was really good. amazing

Shane x Masters

You’re very close to episodes directed by the same person megumi Ishitani, and what are always said to be the best animated eps

Joseph C Gdaniec

The episodes in Wano and the Openings that Megumi Ishitani worked on with this key animator are still considered the best animated episodes and openings. The key animators name is Masami Mori

Master Oogway

I love how every strawhat had a fan execpt usopp(since he didn't have bounty)


Megumi Ishitani once more proves how amazing she is. Such an amazing episode. Every episode she directs is just.... perfection.