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saddest episode of this series!


2.5 Dimentional Seduction Ep. 21 Reaction [FULL]

Watch "2.5 Dimentional Seduction Ep. 21 Reaction [FULL]" on Streamable.



so good. SO GOD DAMN GOOD. THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING!!! i didnt expect this show to end up being as good as it is, and the animation is shockingly solid as hell too. crazy


The episode I was worried about the most in this adaption, and it passed with flying colors. The key thing about any adaption is choosing what to adapt, what to drop, what to change, and this entire episode is proof they know what they're doing. Every VA choice, music choice, animation alotment was aligned to make this episode happen. And well, any fan of the series would agree, no adaption would have been complete without this.