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TLDR: I'm fine. Had to delay a couple reactions. Will get them up soon ❤

I went to the hospital for something. I think i should be ok. Anyways, I didn’t export/upload the One Piece reactions from this week. As long as nothing bad happens, I’ll be uploading it tonight and the other will be scheduled for tomorrow.

Also my plan is to do Arifureta and Spirit Chronicles tomorrow. Again, that’s assuming everything is alright. I’ll edit this post when I get an update.

Edit: I’m still here waiting on results and shit. I’m not gonna be able to record Brewing Love ep 7 today. Gonna do that tomorrow.

They really told me it was nothing so I’m getting an anti inflammatory prescription and they’re gonna rob my ass for at least $5k. American healthcare.

Final edit: I was right. $7695.00 😂😂 gotta laugh to keep from crying. Fuck the healthcare system.



Hope you feeling okay man it okay we understand


Glad you're okay. bet you sprained your back with those dandadan intros lmao


Hope you are doing OK! And make sure you look after yourself - appreciate you keeping us updated, but remember your health comes first!

Tim Halter

Hope you are okay well wishes

Asaf Montgomery

Thansk on the update and be well


take care of yourself bro its all good. Your health comes first.


Hey man, your health is more important to us than providing us the content, don’t apologize for taking care of yourself first. Focus on getting better and get plenty of rest, we love ya man ♥️


Hope you good

Tobias Reinhold

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


Sending good energy!


Bro is dying 😢

ryan halcyon

hope you feel better and get some rest. thinking good thoughts


Hope you feel better!


Bro no lie there was that one time I got hype during an OP and swore I was close to breaking my back. It was a weird feeling.


Have a good rest man!


Hope it's good news for you!


Just seeing this after your updates/edits, glad you're alright though, rest up!

ryan halcyon

glad your ok feel better. my mum takes anti inflammatories because she over 60 she gets them free on nhs

yasmina C

hope everything's ok with you and your gf. seems like a lot of hospital visits lately T_T


NOOO, Truck-kun got him, please Joe take me with you!!!


"How To Speedrun Give Your Community A Heart Attack" - Joe's latest search on Google lmao Seriously though, hope you're okay dude!

Daniel Gonzalez

Hope you're ok even though I know you're not (5k those mfkgddb that's why I don't go to the hospital) anyways if you're not feeling well just take your time I'm sure people will understand


well idk what the bill will be, i just assume they will rob me. I never go to hospitals for that exact reason.