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The Obsidian!


Ishura S2 Ep. 2 Reaction [FULL]

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Bruh. WDYM "was it the roses"?? The minister LITERALLY SAID THAT SHE CAN INFECT PEOPLE VIA AIR (i.e she was born an airborne variant of the pathogen that is a Vampire, rather than contact/fluid pathogen type like all the other Vampire pathogens before her) literally like 10s before.... I mean it would make sense, given his epithet the DISTANT MIRROR, I guess. Such a shame that having 1 unit be infected means all the units are in that case...

Josh Melecio

I watch a different video with different subs that explained what happened and her power better.


a sextant is a device used for navigation using the stars. Think Dark Ages GPS. I am beginning to wonder if the demon lord and hero ever really existed, fought, and perished in the way that is being told. I am wondering if the Saintess that says that is what happened is using this as the whole "minian superiority" to create an event where all these non-minian (including visitors) fight each other and kill themselves out.

AlmaWade 1979

I slept on Ishura for a long time, thanks for showing me the light 🙏


i thought she may have added the pathogen to something that spread through the air like the ashes, i dont fucking know. I didnt expect breathing on motherfuckers to be her infectious ability. "My superpower is being sick *cough cough*" head ass. Calm down


Yes, she added the pathogen to the air, hence AIRBORNE PATHOGEN, as the technical term for such vectors of spreading diseases is called. I assume it has some type of a max range though, since the Vampire pathogens hate sun, so it presumably vaporizes them or something after a long enough distance from the colony unit itself, but that's probably less of a problem at night for example, hence why vampires do the things they do, purely out of self-preservation as a disease-type lifeform parasiting on other species to interact with the world & exist

w/smallscreen Computer

Obsidian Eyes was a spy guild to fight for non-minian+strong people which led by a body-fluid only strain vampire Rehart, and they're gone, but his daughter Linaris has additional airborne strain and she wants to rebuild the guild through the influence of Royal Games. Kuuro was in the guild too but now he just acts as an investigator for Aureatia to check on hidden threats, and Aureatia wants to eliminate the Old Kingdom while the Particle Storm is another threat before the Games. (Lana had made friend with Kia and Elea killed her with poison without Kia knowing.)


A small thing, vampires aren't deseised but are the deseise itself. Also, all the vampires aruetia encountered required transmission through fluids such as blood or saliva in open wounds or orally ingested. Lanaris is a mutation that can spread through the air from herself. AKA any organic that comes in a certain radius of her joins the hive mind as a sleeper agent and another pair of 'obsidians' eyes. Obsidian eyes is basically a vague name for the hive mind called lanaris. Thanks to the mutation, 'she' is a vastly more dangerous desise than her farther. Finally, Lana the moon tempest was the girl spying in lithia for aruetia, that died by being poisoned by Elia, Kia's the World words teacher and 17th minister.


Have to say I get Hellsing Ultimate vibes from the graphic style