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Apothecary Diaries S2 Ep. 2 Reaction [FULL]

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The translators are still fucking shit up. Translating "Jyotei" as "empress", when it should be translated as "Empress Regnant" (not to be confused with "Empress Dowager", which is the current Emperor's mom (dowager being basically a widow, but fancier title)), the current Emperor's grandmother (so former Emperor's mom). Incidentally this is the same person who was mentioned in S1 to have banned tree cutting in quack doctor's region decades ago. Also incidentally she was also the one who forced Luomen (Maomao's adoptive father) to become an eunuch & be shanghaied to the Rear Palace originally because he was literally the #1 doctor in the empire at the time. As mentioned in the statement, the Empress Regnant was very clever and effectively ran the empire instead of the previous Emperor (as you can clearly see from her title, Empress Regnant) due to Skill Issue on the latter's part (obviously, as dude was a diddler like we know from S1, so clearly mentally regarded & all that). Yes the colors are Red, Blue, Purple (technically Garnet shade I think?) & White. Maomao basically isn't in uniform since she's technically not working for any of the High-rank Concubines nor part of the generic staff (the orange fit Xiaolan etc wear), she's technically owned/working for Jinshi after he bought her contract (i.e debt owed to the brothel by a courtesan, technically, even if Maomao doesn't work that type of job) last season, who is loaning her to Gyokuyou rn (for the duration of her pregnancy of a hypothetical Crown Prince (assuming Lihua doesn't give birth first of course), until it's delivered which is when the temporary job is over), so she's basically just wearing her normal green color scheme since she's essentially not part of the Rear Palace hierarchy employment wise.


Honestly, I think it's less that there's a leak that Gyokuyou and (assuming) Lihua are pregnant, and more that the merchants were doing something like "spearphishing" - gathering information on "who might be what" based on "who buys what" - which is why Maomao signaled to Gyukoyou and Hongniang to purchase specific dresses that a pregnant woman wouldn't wear in order not to tip their hand. I really love the contrast of this season compared to S1. S1 you had all of these singular, unconnected episodes, and then they suddenly dropped a bomb that they were all connected together in a greater conspiracy. Here in S2 they're being upfront very early on that there's a greater conspiracy (plural?) in play... but they've been throwing so much information at us so fast that we're in overload and we don't know what information is relevant, much less where to begin.


I am confused wouldn't she be a Empress Regent since she was ruling in place of the Emperor that was not capable of doing his job? I might be confusing Empress Regent and Empress Regnant. I thought an Empress Regnant would be like the Queen of England. These titles are so damn confusing. It is no wonder that many of the reactors I watch get confused when the Empress Dowager and Empress Regnant are brought up. I have no idea how the show could make this less confusing. I do agree translating to Empress makes zero sense and just makes things more confusing.


She's called Empress Regnant because she's in charge due to sheer incompetence on her PDF file son's part. It's basically a title exclusively made the fuck up just for her, since before her there's rly no precedent for this type of shit (unless you count the Mother Royal (a foreign born female who probably lost some power struggle & was forced into exile basically, clearly a noble at least given the education level & all that, at least as far as later people have guessed who have delved into the imperial history as a specific specialization) who technically precedes the empire so technically the system wasn't in place yet, since w/e X gen after her progeny would become at some point the first emperor of Li). I mean technically I suppose from IRL POV it should be Regent since technically officially she's only stand-in for the PDF file emperor, but it's kinda on-the-nose since everyone of high af ranking in the government etc knows she's literally been calling the shots even before the PDF file emperor was born, even during the preceding emperor's reign, by backroom manipulations etc. Basically it be what it be