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I just love this show. These characters are always so fucking cool


Ishura S2 Ep. 3 Reaction [FULL]

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This episode is kinda grudge-based, like how Toroa wants to kill Alus, yet the robot granny Kiyazuna seems to have built the golems that had wiped out Yuno's town in S1E1, while Yuno really hated those who are strong and responsible for the wipeout, and the granny wants to kill the Particle Storm with Mestelexil too.

Oh This Guy Again

They actually completely cut a scene from Toroa's chapter involving Alus; apparently when Alus was fighting Toroa, Alus was genuinely scared he was going to die.


Episode Magic Items user vs Magic Swords user, then Golem user vs Golem user, sick af yoo


Skill Issue, shouldn't have invaded a city YOU DIDN'T FUCKING CREATE, filthy thieves. Maybe they'll learn next time, huh?


"Mestal can create Exil, and Exil can create Mestal anywhere within the range their voices can reach." Sounds like granny told how to defeat it, but dont know how anyone can make that work for them. Then again Soujiro would just show up and think its cute that it has a force field that protects it if you try to kill both of them at the same time and just cut right through it.


The two people who made the golems were both self proclaimed demon kings and if you remember in s1 ep 1, the nagan labyrinth golem that sogiro fought and destroyed yuno's home was also capable of using word arts with the help of the cold star and was created by the woman who also created immortal child golem (I can't spell his name).

AlmaWade 1979

This is the first show I'm completely first-timing with you and it's a blast with how excited you are over it each episode