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This was definitely my favourite episode so far. The first half of the episode feels alleviating as our characters joke, talk, and hang around each other. It's nice to have the peace and quiet because once the second half of the episode hits, your heart will be in your mouth the entire time.

Death was the theme of this episode. Not so much death in terms of "you" dying but more in terms of witnessing so much death. The death of fellow soldiers, friends, and men they have talked to every day of their lives dying instantly and helplessly. How does that change a person and how does that affect a man? This episode answers those questions in some of the most effective storytelling possible.


Sarcastic Star Trek

My main reason for replying is just to shout "DUET!" at you but the other thing is I've not seen BoB since it came out. The... I think it's the penultimate episode - "Why we fight" - it's shocking. I'd say you're in for a treat, but you'll just be either vomiting or crying.

David Campbell

This sort of episode is what made the series special. The lighter moments that you reference are SO well done. Done just as well as the battle scenes, in my opinion. If we didn’t get to know and love the guys in episodes like this, the series wouldn’t have half the emotional impact that it does.