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The bookend episode to watch after watching the DS9 Maquis two parter and what a great episode to watch after all that! Wasn't expecting Ro Laren to be in this episode but she was fantastic as always and managed to bring so many emotions to the table in very effective ways. The thing I appreciated about watching this episode the most was the fact that out of every Maquis centric episode so far, this was the one where I felt the most sympathy and connection to the Maquis. The cell that Ro became a part of treated her like a family and all the characters, especially the old man, were so nice, caring and most importantly of all expanded on the reasons as to why they fought against the Cardassians. It was actually really touching and it even made me waiver on who's side I would actually be on. I hope we see the Maquis in the future as I feel their conflict is far from over and I find it so interesting. Also, if we do see the Maquis later in DS9, then there is potential to see Ro and that would be EPIC.


Sarcastic Star Trek

You will see the Maquis in the future :-) Incidentally, the character of Kira was originally meant to be Ro but Michelle Forbes didn't want a 5 year contract so declined - therefore making way for the character of Kira.

Sarcastic Star Trek

oh btw, when Ro is talking about how her father used to play a "Clavion" to help her sleep at night - to keep monsters away - that's the instrument you heard on DS9 - the man in quark's bar playing that lovely tune.