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You guys are awesome, so awesome in fact that I had to take this exclusive post run photo shoot to show how much you mean to me! Your support over the last few weeks has been incredible, and you've all made WDF such an exciting and rewarding place to be since we began this mad birthday party. We're still running wild for a good while yet, but I just felt that I had to thank you guys for all you've done for me and this baby of mine. 5 years ago I could never have imagined that we'd get this far but here we are, we're bringing WDF to more people than ever, and crucially, we're making history thrive! Thankssssssss Zack :D


Tyler Jerabek

I agree that it would be fascinating for you to do the American Civil War and that it would be an overly stressful venture given the current political climate. But what I’d like you to do is revisit and expand on some of these such as Seven Years War and Crimea. Perhaps some of the Revolutions that Mike Duncan didn’t do- Cuba, China would be a doozy. The interwar wars would also be interesting

Pawel Lebowa

Hey Zack. Great job on the remastered episodes. I think i heard in one of them that you will not be covering the American Civil war and i was just wondering why. It is certainly one of the most interesting conflicts out there.

When Diplomacy Fails Podcast

Hey Pawel, I think the one thing that always put me off the Civil War was the fact that I know very little about it in comparison to my American listeners, many of whom retain very strong opinions about it to this day. It would be a bit risky for me to take it on unless I did a mountain of research beforehand. I'd never say never, but for the foreseeable future I don't see that mountain of research appealing to me


The American Civil War is expansive enough to make for it's own great podcast, I'm sure someone must have tackled it by now...or at least tried. I was a bit disappointed to learn that you won't be adding your unique voice to that as well, such an interesting time in history on both the North American and European continents! I very much enjoyed your take on the American Revolution, as well as the episode with Jamie Redfern. As an American, what I like the most about those episodes is that they're covered from the perspective of a non-American. I think that fact is under-served as it allows for a more objective view, which would be my major interest in a WDF Civil War series. You are spot on though in that both wars, the Civil War especially, still stir strong feelings in many Americans. We Americans are obviously more biased towards our feelings on the Revolution and more united because of it. The Civil War though, even having ended over 150 years ago, has left a lasting mark that continues to be felt today. We still have a very clear line in our psyche between The North and The South, it's at least mostly amicable these days! What I found most interesting though in listening to you is that you referred to the American Civil War simply as the Civil War. Is that war's notoriety so great in Europe that it's known simply as the Civil War across the pond? I found your comment interesting that the American Revolution is almost over-saturated, at least compared to other conflicts, in your neck of the woods. I wouldn't have thought that those two wars are as ingrained in Europe as they are in North America. Really great stuff!