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Have some spare time on YouTube? Why not check out friends of the show Kings & Generals? They're even bigger history nerds than me! (well...) 

Last time in our 30 Years War story, Frederick V, a big time German ruler with small time power, accepted the Crown of Bohemia, and Europe seemed to breathe a sigh of shock. Some were shocked of course, but others were positively bouncing, and excited for the potential of what Freddy could achieve. All that was required to happen was for his friends and allies and relatives to stand up and be counted, and Emperor Ferdinand wouldn't stand a chance. Against the combined forces of England, Denmark, the Netherlands and countless Protestants in Germany, what chance did Emperor Ferdinand have? In fact, the Emperor was as cynical as he was fortunate - fortunate to have friends who depended on him as much as he depended on them. Bavaria and Spain, motivated by much more than religious and familial ties, could not afford to let this opportunity slide.

Was Frederick doomed as soon as he set out for Bohemia, or were matters outside of his control? As he marched for Prague, there was no shortage of promises and declarations in his favour, but a disconcerting shortage of practical contributions. This was the first sign of many that matters were perhaps not as rosy as Frederick had believed, but he pressed on regardless. Frederick set up his regime in Prague, making a grand impression upon the Bohemians, being joined by his wife Elizabeth, in addition to their infant children. Optimism was not hard to find, even if the omens were not good. There was a reason why history determined Frederick and Elizabeth the Winter King and Queen, and Frederick was about to find out precisely what it was…



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