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[PATRONS] Jamie Redfern from the HistoryOf podcast joins us for a brilliant show which is part American Revolution, part general banter and part serious talk about the problems we as young podcasters trying to break into academia face. It's a frank, sincere and friendly conversation and I am quite fond of it, as I am fond of Jamie for joining us for this hour and taking time out of his own busy schedule. The man is a podcast machine don't you know, check him out at http://thehistoryofpodcast.blogspot.ie/ 

 Remember to tweet me and let me know you enjoyed the episode! @wdfpodcast Tell Jamie we make a great couple so that he won't leave me again @HistoryJamie
Be sure to tell people that you support me, and that you are a proud member of the WDF family - history friends unite! Let's get the word out to as many peoples as possible! You guys are all awesome - happy birthday to us! 



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