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[PATRONS] Welcome history friends, as we launch into a little sideshow I cooked up for you all. This is the first in a 4 parter series on alternative history, where we build a different world in the style you're used to, having asked the question - what would have happened if Gavrilo Princip missed, rather than actually successfully assassinated the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Using all I've gathered in my years studying the First World War and the July Crisis in particular, I give you my answer, so I hope you enjoy it, and that it adds somewhat to the party atmosphere we're creating here, as WDF RUNS WILD! 

  Remember to tweet me and let me know you enjoyed the episode! @wdfpodcast Be sure to tell people that you support me, and that you are a proud member of the WDF family - history friends unite! Let's get the word out to as many peoples as possible! You guys are all awesome - happy birthday to us!  



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