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Hi guys, it is that time after I finish a series that I come to you and ask you to ask me questions! Sure thing, that should have sounded a little bit better... However, let's leave it at that. 

This Strange World Needs A Kicking! was a bit of a foray of mine into a land of fantasy, and although I meant the story to be very light at first, it surely had a way to become complicated along the way. It's no novelty! Apparently, this is how my brain likes to roll.

Now that you've read it all, and I'm in need of gathering bits for the bonus story, please let me know what you'd like to see there. Anything goes, as you may well know, and I'm always happy to hear from you, your thoughts, your suggestions, and anything else you might like to see in the bonus story.

With that said, I declare this AMA session open, and I'll be happy to receive your suggestions!

All the best,




I want to know more about Lelians. Where do they come from? How do we turn Milo into a Lelian for Sebastian? I love your stories!!


I realize this thread is a bit old but I just finished the gift book now. Do you think there will be a bonus story for this? I agree that the Conrad and Galien story needs some more kicking. It would also be good for Milo and Sebastian to have an adventure in the Ifigia world too. I'm also curious about Kai's sister Tani and whether she connects with the guy with the lisp looking for the "Blue Castle" (I thought that might happen for some reason...). Anyway I thought it was an awesome story!

Laura S. Fox

Thank you Aaron! I know that the bonus content for this particular story is so long overdue. I actually started working on both of them, but due to some events in my personal life at the time, I found myself with very little time on my hands to write as much as I'd like. I'd love to finish and post those, of course. As the boat that's my life rocks less and less, I hope to find the time to do so, as I loved all the characters, too :)