Chasing Rusty Parker - Ask Me Anything (Patreon)
So, while the title above would suggest that this AMA is mostly about Rusty (and Matty), it's actually about the whole cast of Sunny Hill, Maddox and Jonathan in particular as the other main characters. Now that Rusty's story is over, I want you to throw at me the suggestions, ideas, questions, quizzes, whatever you have and want to read about all these characters. We may end up with more than an extra story, or maybe a longer one and several ficlets. I'm also thinking about a story with several chapters dedicated to the 'unmasking' of Xpress.
My ideas are tucked away in a file, but I want to hear yours first without influencing you. What do you want to read in the future lives of these characters? What particular challenges would you enjoy to see them overcoming? What are your wishes for their lives together?
In the meantime, I didn't sit idle as I've worked on formatting the ebook for Chasing Rusty Parker and not only. I've been working on the cover, on the special dedications for the VIP tier, as well as the version for print - which is a whole different kettle of fish and I'm currently engaged with in a terrible fight. I'll overcome them all!
But in the meantime, start throwing ideas at me! I can't promise that they will all be included in the future texts about these guys, but I will do my best!