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Oh man, what a poleasure to do another LoL art! And what a great concept we have here! Let's see how things go with those Lines and Renders!

(x)Sketch: It's always a challenge to do a character such as Vex from a big game or so! After some studies and a lot of practice I could figure something out!
(x)Lines: Oh man! It's so delicious to wortk on the lines when they cooperate! Man! This one is getting beautiful!
(x)Flats: Let's bring those refs to life my dudes!
(x)Render: Ok, man! I ended up kinda developing a new method I think will bring some things to live here! It takes a li'l more time but it's totally worth it man! 




We love to see some LoL around here


Ayo. This is going to be glorious, Cant wait to see


I'm always excited with how you draw Yordles, so good