Vibe Check: Coming of Age
- Continue Coming of Age past the end of canon book one 658
- Wrap Coming of Age up with the end of canon book one and start a new story 301
Heya! With Coming of Age, my current Percy Jackson fic, reaching the end of the first book's plotline, I wanted to check in really quick and see how all of my patrons were feeling about the story. Like it? Love it? Bored of it?
Seeing as we're almost at a natural stopping point, I could put Coming of Age on hiatus when we finally reach the end of Percy's current quest to retrieve Zeus' Master Bolt if that's what the majority of my patrons want. If not, I can see Coming of Age continuing further with relative ease.
If the majority of people don't want Coming of Age to continue, I'm not entirely sure what I'd replace it with yet admittedly. If it was another Percy Jackson fic, I suspect it'd have to be Percy Jackson in another setting. But maybe we'd replace it with something non-PJO altogether, I dunno.
But that part is irrelevant unless people don't want Coming of Age to continue.
NO MATTER WHAT, I expect Coming of Age to go for at least another handful of chapters to wrap up the end of Book 1 and also to have some sexy fun times with a certain Goddess of the Hearth.
But yeah, want to hear from you all! Let me know!