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Swirling Chaos Ch. 33 (Naruto)

  • Tell Hanabi only about the trip and sleeping with the older kunoichi 65
  • Tell Hanabi the half-truth he told the others about just being gifted memories 70
  • Tell Hanabi the full truth about him being a merged version of his two selves 346
  • 2024-04-02
  • —2024-04-15
  • 481 votes
{'title': 'Swirling Chaos Ch. 33 (Naruto)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tell Hanabi only about the trip and sleeping with the older kunoichi', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Tell Hanabi the half-truth he told the others about just being gifted memories', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Tell Hanabi the full truth about him being a merged version of his two selves', 'votes': 346}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 15, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 2, 15, 8, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 481}


A/N: Naruto and Tsunade get it on~

EDIT: Hey PC readers, you might notice the chapter has extra spaces, this is for app users who are reporting a loss of formatting and walls of text. Figure this is the lesser of two evils to be honest.


With a young and revitalized Senju Princess looking at him hungrily and expectantly and Kurama laughing at him in the back of his mind, Naruto huffs. Then, he growls.


“Fine. But if I’m going to help you take the edge off, we’ll do it my way. Get on your knees.”


A flicker of amusement appears in Tsunade’s eyes as Naruto takes charge. And yet… she doesn’t hesitate to drop down to her knees before him, giving him a lustful smirk as she reaches for his crotch. Naruto doesn’t like that though. She’s just humoring him. Instead of letting her extract his cock from its confines with her hands, he reaches out and grabs hold of her wrists, arresting her motion.


“No hands. Use your mouth.”


Now Tsunade’s eyes narrow at him, glancing between his crotch and his face as if to see if he’s really serious. Naruto is serious though, and he’s not going to back down.


“Don’t get too big for your britches, brat…”


Scoffing, Naruto tilts his head to the side and plays a card he can only really play because Tsunade now knows the truth about him.


“In another life, I was Konoha’s Last Hokage, Princess. I’m exactly as confident as I should be. Now, hands behind your back and let’s see you put those lips of yours to better use than just mouthing off at me.”


The deceptively young-looking blonde scowls a little at that, but as expected, his mention of his former rank catches her off guard long enough for her to ultimately decide to wordlessly obey him. Placing her hands behind her back, Tsunade leans forward and with some difficulty begins trying to work his zipper down with just her teeth.


Naruto watches her in silence, enjoying the show. Especially since all those jerking motions she’s having to do with her head are also doing spectacular things to her incredibly large breasts. Originally, at first glance Naruto had deemed the outward change from his technique to be nonexistent. But that wasn’t entirely the case.


Sure, Tsunade looked mostly the same as she’d already done with her transformation technique. However, there are some enhancements, now that he’s having longer to stare at her. For one, her face is definitely younger. If she’d been presenting as in her mid-to-late twenties before, now she’s presenting as in her early twenties. For two, her breasts are also a bit perkier and even larger, Naruto couldn’t help but notice.


Something else he notices is the absence of laughter in the back of his mind anymore. Instead of snickering at his expense, Kurama has fallen quiet… and indeed, Naruto can feel her arousal as she watches him command Tsunade and make the Senju Princess his bitch. Even if it’s obvious Tsunade is only obeying because she needs a good, hard fucking, she’s still obeying all the same.


Finally, Naruto’s cock flops out onto Tsunade’s face, making the rejuvenated kunoichi gasp in excitement as she immediately begins nuzzling the underside of his dick. Her moans fill the examination room and the hot air from her breath brushes across his shaft, providing even more pleasurable sensations as Naruto’s own breath hitches from the feeling.


Reaching out, he places a hand atop Tsunade’s head, making her eyes dart from his dick to his face again.


“Suck it.”


She looks torn between teasing him some more and following his orders. Under normal circumstances, Tsunade would almost certainly have defaulted to teasing him some more. But as turned on as she was, the Senju ultimately doesn’t want to waste time. She leans back until the head of his bulbous cock drops onto her lolled out tongue and then slides her open lips down his member, all while maintaining eye contact the entire while.


Naruto groans his enjoyment, shuddering in pleasure as she swirls her tongue this way and that. Heh, he was PRETTY sure that the title ‘Legendary Sucker’ didn’t refer to anything this untoward. And at the end of the day, that moniker might not even apply to this Tsunade if Kushina hadn’t even given her a chance to develop a reputation as a wandering gambler who lost every big hand she ever played.


Regardless, the title feels apt in this moment, not that Naruto will ever voice that thought out loud. Tsunade is sucking him off with such enthusiasm it almost feels like she’s trying to pull his soul straight out of his body. Naruto can only groan all the louder, tossing his head back as he enjoys her bobbing motions up and down his cock.


These too make her tits jiggle and bounce all over the place, until finally he can’t take it anymore. Reaching down, he yanks open Tsunade’s vest and exposes her breasts to open air, letting the slightly perkier pair of tits bounce and jiggle for a moment before seemingly defying gravity in a way that seemed like it was some sort of ninjutsu. Seriously, a chest that big shouldn’t also be that perky… but Naruto wasn’t complaining.


Groping and squeezing her breasts while she continues to hold her arms behind her back and slides her lips up and down his member, Naruto eventually pulls her tits upwards and wraps them around his cock for her. Tsunade lets out an ‘mmph!’ sound at this, but beyond giving him a light glare with no real heat in it, she makes no complaints.


In fact, as Naruto pinches her nipples between his fingers and pulls her chest up into the air, her face gets redder and redder and she moans more and more. Her moaning sends reverberations through Naruto’s cockhead, making him shudder in even greater arousal. At the same time, it’s obvious from the way Tsunade is involuntarily humping the air as she kneels at his feet that she’s greatly enjoying having her tits manhandled by him after rejuvenating her body with his technique.


It's strange, because Naruto never felt inexplicably horny after using this technique before. But to be fair, he didn’t realize it was a form of True Immortality either. He really could be an oblivious idiot at times. Of course, there was also the fact that Tsunade had shaved off a lot more years than he ever had. That might have… exacerbated any unintended side effects, he supposed.


Either way, Naruto can’t last forever. Letting out one final groan, he starts to cum. Only, he forgets to warn the Senju Princess and her head rocks back as the first shot of ejaculate hits the back of her throat, forcing her off of his member and leaving her to wind up getting facialized by the rest of his load. His seed explodes all over her, covering her youthful face and massive, paradoxically perky breasts.


By the time he’s done, Naruto has coated Tsunade Senju from brow to nipple, and Kurama is cackling again in the back of his mind. Not at his expense this time, but at the expense of the Senju Princess. In fact, he can feel smug satisfaction alongside wanton amusement from the Nine Tails, even as he towers over Tsunade.


Far from getting upset however, the Senju Princess just moans and rubs his seed into her tits, scooping some of it up and licking her fingers clean for a moment as she recovers. Once she gets ahold of herself however, her eyes zero in on him again… and more specifically on his still throbbing cock, right in front of her face.


Hopping to her feet, Tsunade whips around and plants her hands on the examination table behind her, bending over for him right then and there and wiggling her pants-clad ass in his face with a lustful moan.


“Fuck me, Naruto! Fuck me already!”


Well, at least he’s apparently graduated from brat. Deciding it’s probably best not to make her wait any longer, Naruto steps forward and grabs Tsunade by the hips, yanking her pants and then her undergarments down to her knees as he exposes her fine, toned backside and her glistening wet slit to open air.


It isn’t right to say Tsunade has a bubble butt or anything like that. Sure, she might have one of the biggest racks in the entirety of the Elemental Nations, but she’s still a hardened, fully trained ninja. She’s not one of the Legendary Sannin for nothing, after all.


Her ass is firm enough to probably bounce a coin off of, and as Naruto grabs hold and digs his fingers in, he encounters a pleasant amount of cushioned resistance. He doesn’t dwell on it for long though, not before stuffing his cock deep inside of Tsunade’s twat.


The Senju Princess howls as she throws her head back, putting the privacy seals on the examination room to very good use by squealing at the top of her lungs like some lust-drunk sow. Actually, that’s precisely what she is… well, the lust-drunk part, not the sow part.


Naruto snorts derisively at his own thoughts, especially when Kurama cackles all the harder at them. Before Tsunade can question what he finds so funny, he starts to properly fuck her, pounding into the lusty buxom blonde from behind and filling her with his pulsating member again and a-fucking-gain.


No holding back. After all, what’s the point? Sure they’re in the middle of a hospital, but nobody can hear them. Nobody is going to walk in on them. More than that, out of anybody, Tsunade Senju was plenty tough. She could take Naruto’s full strength and then some, probably.




That’s why he fucks her with bruising force, much to her vocal howling enjoyment. It takes a little bit before it happens, but once she cums for him the first time, she can’t seem to stop. Naruto extracts orgasm after orgasm out of Tsunade, fucking the cum-drenched Senju bent over the examination table like it’s no one’s business but their own.


He takes Tsunade to pound town and she responds by gripping down on his cock harder and harder. Thanks to how slick and wet she is, this never becomes painful or uncomfortable in any way. In fact, it only gets better and better as the plowing continues, her pussy walls tightening but remaining sopping enough that he’s always able to thrust in and always able to push out.


She’s practically virginal all over again Naruto realizes, albeit without any physical barrier. It’s like she’s never been fucked before after her rejuvenation. He’s the first man to properly take Tsunade Senju, not just in who knew how many years, but also since she’d literally learned the secret of True Immortality.


Hah, if Orochimaru found out, the Snake Bastard was going to be fucking pissed. His teammate discovering immortality before him would set off all of his ‘troubled genius insecurities’ like nothing else. But enough about him. Talk about a potential mood killer.


Instead, Naruto focuses on giving Tsunade what she needs, a good hard dicking that ends in the only way possible… with him groaning and delivering a sticky, hot load of his seed right to her womb. She was an accomplished Med-Nin, so he knew he didn’t have to worry about cumming inside. She’d take care of any potential issues on that front, Naruto figured.


Not at the moment though from the look of things, because the moment Naruto pulls out of her, Tsunade slumps forward face down on the examination table, clearly spent and exhausted. Blinking, Naruto starts to wonder if maybe he went a little too hard on the blonde after all. He’d been confident she could take it, but now-


“Ooooh… that was the good stuff~”


Startling, Naruto watches as Tsunade glows green for a moment and then pulls herself up off of the table, turning and leaning back against it. His seed dripping down her thighs but also dried on her face and exposed tits, the rejuvenated blonde gives him a lazy grin with lidded eyes.


“Not bad, brat. Not bad at all.”


Ah, and just like that he was demoted to ‘brat’ again. Naruto scoffs and rolls his eyes, before giving Tsunade a cocky grin.


“I was spectacular and you know it, Tsunade.”


She just huffs in response, clearly amused but trying not to show how much. Then, her eyes open to a more normal size as she sighs.


“Ugh. I suppose you won our original wager, didn’t you? Can’t exactly say I found anything wrong with you when I went ahead and used your same technique to get back the last thirty years of aging. So. What was that favor you wanted to ask of me?”


Naruto’s cocky grin falters as he remembers the original reason he came to Konoha’s hospital in the first place.


“Oh right… uh, well you know how Kushina has been planning a tour of the Elemental Nations?”


Tsunade narrows her eyes at that and scowls.


“Tch, so she’s finally gotten around to asking me to take over for her for a couple months while she’s on the road, is that it? Except she’s too much of a scaredy cat to ask me directly, so she sent you instead.”


Naruto shrugs, rubbing a hand through the back of his hair sheepishly. Tsunade just rolls her eyes and nods.


“Fine, a bet’s a bet and I lost. I’ll do it as my favor to you, brat.”


… She’d already said yes. He could just take that and go. But… Naruto would have felt bad holding the other tidbit of information back from her if he did.


“Great! Because, uh… Mikoto is coming on the trip too.”


Tsunade’s eyes widen at that, making it obvious she’d definitely been expecting to have the Uchiha Matriarch in Konoha to lean on for assistance while Kushina was gone. Yeah… maybe Naruto should have just taken the win while he could…




After some yelling and shouting and light rampaging on Tsunade’s part (she couldn’t exactly leave the room or break the security seals when she was covered and stuffed full of his cum and had her tits out) Naruto had finally managed to escape from the Last Senju’s clutches. Better still, she’d ultimately agreed to take over as Hokage while both Kushina AND Mikoto were out of the village! Total success!


But now… well, now Naruto had to go find Hanabi and tell her the good news of course. She and Mikoto were coming with him and Kushina on a Diplomatic Trip around the Elemental Nations! The thing Naruto now had to decide, however, was exactly what and how much he was going to tell Hanabi.


… At the very least, she deserved to know about Kushina, Mikoto, and now Tsunade. But did he also tell her what he’d told the other women about his memories? And if so, did he tell her the half-truth he told all of them… or did he tell her the full truth and bring her into his confidence?


Yeah, there was a reason Naruto had been putting off going and talking to Hanabi for a bit now. But he’d reached the limit of how long he could reasonably go without seeing her, at this point. Time to make a choice.



I wonder whether Hanabi is kinky enough that, upon finding out the truth and that Naruto was involved with Hinata in the last timeline (and that this involvement helped bring her out of her shell), she might decide to start pushing them together again this go around?

Osiris Sundavr

His harem deserves to know the full truth. Best to be honest now instead of it coming back to bite him in the ass later and starting unnecessary drama. They have enough potential problems on their plate as it is without playing stupid games for stupid prizes.