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Yep! Today is the day of my birth! And I'm just egotistical and narcissistic enough, while also being incredibly needy, to make a post drawing attention to the fact! If you haven't guessed by now, I've always been a bit of an attention whore... and now I basically get to be an attention whore for a living, so at least I found a way to make that negative aspect of myself into a positive!

But really, the point of this post isn't to insult myself. It's to thank all of you! Because I'm sure I haven't done THAT too many times already :P 

Whether you're just joining up today or you've been with me since the beginning, you all hold a special place in my heart. (The people who have been here since the beginning get to hang out in the left ventricle of my heart. The rest of you are unfortunately forced to gather on the fringes of my heart around the coronary arteries for warmth. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.)

And thanks to all of you, this is undoubtedly the best Birthday I've ever had! I am overjoyed to have all of your support and I can only hope I continue to impress you all enough to keep earning your money for a long time to come!

You guys are the best. So uh, Happy Birthday to you all or something? Nah that doesn't sound right... eh, whatevs. Here's to another year! (Even though I haven't actually been doing this for a whole year so what the fuck am I talking about?)

Okay I'm done rambling now. Hope you enjoyed today's story. Hope you enjoy tomorrow's. And hope you enjoy all the stories that come each and every day after it!


Jack Cooper

Party in the coronary arteries! WHOOO! I'll bring the beer! In all seriousness, happy birthday! Hope you have fun and treat yourself.


Happy fucking birthday. Though now I'm wondering if you're my neighbor since one of them was having a birthday party earlier


What the hell!? Only two responses to this statement! All the rest of you perverted bastards should be ashamed of yourselves! Happy Fucking Birthday Cambrian, and here is to many more to come!


Happy birthday yo!

Paul Rendell

Happy Birthday Cambrian. Looking forward to many more years of perversity from you.

Mr Crowley

Happy birthday, I won't sing the song though.


Happy birthday to you, then, and may you have many years of perversity and smut writing to come.


*Showers in praise and chocolates.*