Monthly Update #8 & Poll
- This new Patron Tier sounds like it would be fun! 17
- I don't think this new Patron Tier is necessary, it feels gratuitous. 11
- I don't care man, I'm just here for the smut. You do you. 66
Okey, so this is coming out a bit later into the month than usual. Here we are in October!
September was a bit slow in terms of pledge growth for us, not far from my worst month so far. And where it truly shined was in Patron Interaction! :D I got 137 comments and over 400 likes from you guys in September, so that was super nice!
I try never to beg for Likes, especially because they really don't affect my success or anything like that. But I do want those of you who click the like button to know that I appreciate it. I'm happy to know you guys enjoy my work. And for those of you who leave more detailed comments, I very much appreciate those as well.
Anyways! The thing that finally reminded me to make this post! We just hit 400 Patrons for the first time! Now this might drop down again, given I've been hovering at around 390-400 for a week now, but still its a great moment and a great feeling.
Thanks to all FOUR HUNDRED of you for sticking it out with me and supporting my work! I appreciate you and I can only hope you all appreciate me ;)
I don't really have anything else to say that I haven't already said before. I hope it doesn't begin to lose its impact as I repeat it, but I just want you all to know how much your pledges mean to me. I'm grateful to all of you for your support, from the bottom of my heart.
So, let's do another Poll idea. I've been considering adding in a new tier. This Tier would go between Tier 3 and Tier 4 and would basically act as a Tier 3.5. The major purpose of this new tier would be to give some of my Tier 3s the chance at two guaranteed prompts a month, instead of one.
The new Tier would cost $15 and its rewards would look like this.
- Access to all Patreon Works the moment I post them. - Ten votes in the Weekly Patron Prompt Poll. - Suggest prompts with no guarantees. - TWO guaranteed prompts per month that will appear in a Weekly Poll.
The rewards on the other tiers below or above this hypothetical new tier would NOT change. Tiers 4, 5, and 6 would still only get 1 guaranteed prompt a month, as their rewards concerning the weekly prompt polls are actually entirely extraneous. The $25, $50, and $100 price tags go towards paying for their word allotments each month, and the 10 votes and guaranteed prompt they get are basically free bonus content.
So what do you guys think? Let me know in the Poll below and feel free to give details if you want in the comment section!
TL;DR: Thank you ALL of you for all your participation in the month of September, thank you for helping me get to 400 total patrons and what do you think of my new $15 Tier idea?