Monthly Update #9 (Patreon)
I don't think I'll need a TL;DR this time around. I don't really have anything specific to say here beyond just thanking you guys again. I went ahead and implemented the new $15 Tier, and whether people want to take advantage of that or not is completely up to them.
I do need to gush again. I know I've said it time and time again... but considering I just hit FIVE HUNDRED PATRONS, I feel the need to do so once more. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. I love each and every one of you for supporting me like you do. It means so much to me, and to know there are five hundred of you guys (at least for right now heh) is so amazing.
Hitting five hundred was what reminded me to make this post heh. It's a crazy moment for me, to reach the big five-double-O. I remember when I was excited for a hundred and now I've done it four more times since then.
Amazing feeling, and you lot are responsible for that. Thank you again. Love you guys.
Managed to catch the moment that we went LEET, so here's that too heh: