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Themes: Consensual, F/F, Threesome, Seduction

Word Count: 2,404

Summary: Eddard Stark and his party finally arrive back in Winterfell. Needless to say, Catelyn is not at all happy to see Ashara and her baby with him. Luckily for all of them, Ashara Dayne has a plan to fix everything before negativity and hatred are allowed to fester.


Everything was going so well… until they arrived at Winterfell. Ashara Dayne had had no illusions about just what she was walking into, mostly thanks to Ned giving her ample forewarning. Ned Stark… the new Lord of Winterfell was an honorable man, to be sure. So was his friend, their new King. There were so many ways things could have ended poorly with Robert’s Rebellion, but instead the world seemed to almost right itself, putting all the right men in charge so that most could have their happy endings.

With her brother going to the Wall and her having given birth to Ned’s child, it made sense to go to Winterfell. There was nowhere else for her and the baby, and luckily, Winterfell’s new Lord thought so too. Ned Stark was too honorable to abandon his child. More than that… he loved her, or so Ashara hoped, because in truth, she loved him too. The young man was everything she’d ever wanted in a husband… but given he was already married to Catelyn Tully, Ashara still wasn’t entirely sure that she could expect a marriage at this point.

Still, the beautiful young Dayne had a plan. Even as Winterfell came into view and the greeting party was slowly revealed, Ashara cradled her daughter in her arms, and waited for what was to come. It didn’t take long of course. Catelyn Stark came into view and while she had a smile on her face at first upon laying eyes on Ned, it died when her gaze moved onto Ashara, mounted on her own horse beside him as she was.

Both women were carrying bundles in their arms, even as their eyes met. Ashara tried not to seem confrontational or aggressive. She didn’t glare at the other woman, nor did she stare her down. No, instead the girl went for a hesitant smile, even as she shifted her daughter in her arms to make sure she still had a good hold on the baby.

In response, Catelyn Stark’s gaze turns frosty. Her smile disappears and her expression shutters as she goes utterly still. Things proceed, and Ned dismounts first as he steps towards his Lady Wife… the woman he’d never actually wanted. In return, Catelyn steps up to present his son to him, his firstborn that he’d only ever heard about in letters and second-hand hearsay.

Ashara tries to feel happiness for the love of her life, even as he lights up with happiness over the baby boy that Catelyn Stark hands him. She reminds herself that it’s better she only had a daughter, as there’s no concerns over inheritance when it’s a simple boy and girl situation. Any children she gives birth to from this point on… IF she gives birth to any from this point on, will be too young to challenge Catelyn’s baby.

Of course, the Lady Stark proves herself to be quite… frosty, even after a lifetime in the Riverlands and only a few months up in the North. As soon as Ned has a good hold on his newborn son, Catelyn turns and walks away, striding back into the castle behind her without so much as a look back. The bright, wide smile on Ned’s face immediately turns into a hurt frown, and Ashara’s heart aches, even as she dismounts as well, standing off to the side with her own baby still in her arms.

There is unrest in Winterfell, and as she looks around and sees several people staring at her in undisguised dislike, Ashara knows that SHE is the cause of it. And there’s only one way to fix what she’s caused, only one person she has to convince that she belongs. Not for her own sake, but for the sake of her daughter. She will not have her beautiful Lyarra treated like a servant by her siblings as the girl grows up.

Ashara knows what she has to do. And as a Dornish… she doesn’t expect it to be very difficult.


Catelyn stiffens when her visitor is announced to her. Part of her wants to say no right then and there. To say the young woman is hurt by her new husband’s choice would be an understatement. She is almost beside herself with anger, furious that he would dare to bring not only his bastard daughter back from the war, but also the woman that he beget her from.

Still, it would be the height of impropriety to deny Ashara Dayne an audience. Regardless of what the whore had done, she was still technically a noblewoman. They were of similar rank, or had been before she became Lady of Winterfell. In the end… there was only one choice left to her, forced upon her by her own code of conduct.

“See her in.”

The beautiful, violet-eyed girl is ushered in a moment later, and Catelyn can’t help but stiffen in her presence. It would be easier of Ashara were ugly. It would be easier if Catelyn could truly believe Eddard when the man said that he’d brought Ashara back with him out of a sense of duty, instead of a sense of lust as all men with a cock between their legs experienced. And Catelyn could certainly vouch for the member between Ned’s legs. Her darling Robb was proof of that.

Still, as she sits there on her bed, staring at her one true foe for her own husband’s affections, Catelyn can’t help the frosty tone.

“What do you want?”

Ashara winces and Catelyn feels a stab of satisfaction deep down inside, though she keeps the smirk from her face.

“I wish… I wish to reach an understanding with you, Lady Stark.”

It is good to hear her title from the other woman’s mouth, but Catelyn isn’t fooled for a second.

“I have a good enough understanding of you already, Ashara Dayne. I understand that you seek to steal my husband from me. I understand that you seek to steal my entire life from me!”

By the time she’s finished, Catelyn is a bit flustered, and slightly out of breath. She’s come up off the bed, and she feels almost ready to lunge at the other woman. Suddenly though, Ashara is there, taking her hand and sitting down with her, back on the bed. Catelyn is too shocked to do anything, even as the beautiful girl speaks in a sympathetic tone.

“Lady Stark… Ned and I… he was the second son who made love to me beneath the heart tree, all those moons ago. You… you were the beautiful young noblewoman promised to Brandon Stark, heir to Winterfell. It is only bad luck that has pitted us against one another… but I did not come to Winterfell to steal your life from you. And I did not come to your room to talk about the new Lord Stark. I came to talk about us.”

And then, before Catelyn can even begin to formulate a response, Ashara’s lips are on hers. The red-haired Tully’s eyes go wide at the sudden intimacy, even as Ashara begins to kiss her like she’s never been kissed before. There’s more than a bit of tongue involved, as Catelyn sits there, mostly frozen. She’d like to say she was completely frozen… but it wouldn’t be true, as about partway through she found herself participating in the surprise kiss.

Eventually, Ashara pulls back and gives her a wide, open smile. There’s honesty in those gorgeous violet eyes, even as the girl squeezes Catelyn’s hand, which she’s still holding even now.

“I liked that… I liked that a lot. And I think you did too.”

“I… buh… wha…”

Speechless, Catelyn just stares at the other woman, completely derailed from her anger and her distrust and her budding hatred. All she can do is watch Ashara as the beautiful girl finally let’s go of her hand and stands, giving her one last smile before heading for the door.

Unthinking, Catelyn abruptly stands as well, and reaches out with that same hand.


The Dornish woman does so, stopping and turning back to look at her. Unsure of exactly what she’s doing, Catelyn still can’t fight the feeling budding in her chest. She knows one thing that she very much wants, and in the end that’s what the confused red head vocalized.

“Don’t… don’t go.”

A bright smile spreads across Ashara’s face and she moves back into the room, even as a warm feeling fills Catelyn’s breast. She’s never been more confused, more conflicted… but it feels right, when Ashara sits back down with her, and the two women hold hands once again. It feels right, even as it feels so, so wrong…


Ned waits a few days to confront his lady wife. At first, he just wants to give Catelyn time to cool off. But when she doesn’t go to his bed as the days go by, Ned can’t help but be a little insulted. He IS still Lord of Winterfell after all, and though she might be Lady, she needed to learn that her allegiance and her obedience belonged to HIM. If he wanted Ashara and Lyarra to live in Winterfell, damn it, that was his right! And on top of that, it was the honorable thing to do!

Of course, he hadn’t seen much of Ashara these past few days either. That was more understandable, all things considered. The beautiful Dornish woman was fairly conscious of the upset she’d caused by her and their daughter’s mere presence in Winterfell. Still, Ned had come to the same conclusion Ashara had, albeit a bit belatedly. If he could get Catelyn to accept the other woman’s place in their household, then he could get his bannermen to do the same, and the unrest budding in Winterfell would come to a stop.

That was why he was finally approaching his wife’s bedchambers. That was why he was entering them without knocking, in order to prove a point about every inch of this castle being HIS. Of course, whatever Ned might have said dies on his tongue as he takes in the sight before him. Catelyn and Ashara are on the former’s bed, kissing quite passionately when he barges in, and Ned gets a full view of this, before they break apart at the sudden sound of his entrance.

Catelyn looks mortified, while Ashara’s shock quickly morphs into a wicked little smile that always told Ned she was up to no good. His cock immediately begins to stiffen in his pants as he sees that smile, and judging by Ashara’s glance down at his crotch, she knows it too.

“M-my Lord! This… this isn’t what it looks like!”

“Oh hush Cat, it’s exactly what it looks like. Don’t be a prude now, not after all the work we’ve done. My Lord… like what you see?”

Catelyn looks read to protest, but Ned preempts her as he steps forward and begins to undo the ties on his shirt and his breeches.

“I do. I like it very much. My wife and my lover… getting along so well.”

Ashara’s grin grows wider still, and Catelyn’s eyes bulge out of her skull as she blushes deeply. The Lady of Winterfell doesn’t speak another word though, even as Ned strips down and Ashara begins to do the same… starting with Cat. Whimpering slightly, Lady Stark allows the other noblewoman to pull at her garments, exposing her shapely, curvy Tully body to Ned’s eyes. His own arousal is made evident when he finally pulls his smallclothes off, in turn exposing his large cock to both women.

Neither is exactly surprised to see it of course, as both have already had him by this point. Still, Catelyn gulps at his size while Ashara coos happily and spreads her bedmate’s legs wide. Ned can see the slit between his lady wife’s legs, and with such an open and obvious invitation, the Lord of Winterfell crawls onto the bed and takes up position between Cat’s thighs.

He leans down and kisses his wife deeply, even as his cock slowly pierces the woman’s cunt, sliding deeper and deeper into her core. A low, lust-filled moan presses against his lips as he captures her mouth, and Catelyn’s legs slide around his waist, pulling him ever closer. Ashara watches on from the side, and even as Ned begins to thrust slowly into Lady Stark, he breaks away from her for a moment to give the violet eyed Dayne a quick kiss as well.

From there, the threesome proceeds quickly. It starts out rather loving… until Catelyn surprised both Ashara and Ned by asking for him to go harder. Then, it becomes a fuck, a rut, and together, with Ashara playing with Cat’s tits and Ned fucking her cunt, they bring the Lady Stark to climax after climax. And when Ned subsequently blows his load and pulls out, Catelyn is quick to reach down and stroke his softening pecker back to full hardness.

Not for herself, oh no… instead, she presses Ashara down onto the bed and guides her husband’s erect member into his lover’s slit, effectively helping them fuck, right in front of her. In that moment, the prudish noble girl that had arrived at Winterfell almost a year ago, effectively dies. She’s replaced by a young woman who’s had her mind opened to possibilities she’d never thought of before.

And ultimately, as Catelyn Stark allows herself to be led into deeper and deeper debauchery by her two lovers, she decides that she likes this better than the old way of thinking. Ashara Dayne does not have to be her enemy. Lyarra Snow will never be a threat to her son. In the end, they’re going to be one, big, happy family.

The next morning, when Ashara sits at Catelyn’s side in the castle’s Hall, eating right alongside the Lady of Winterfell, everyone sees and takes note. The two women are as thick as thieves from that moment on, and Ned seems equal parts pleased and afraid by the way the beautiful girls are getting along. After all, now that they’ve settled their differences, they can provide a united front against him, when he does something that displeases either of them.

It takes a while for Ned to figure this out, but when he does, he ultimately comes to the conclusion that it’s better than the alternative, by far.


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