Monthly Update #12! (Anniversary Update and "How did you find me?" Poll #2!)
- Questionable Questing! 94
- Hentai-Foundry! 183
- Reddit! 2
- Fanfiction dot net! 38
- Other! 8
I waited until today to post this because today is the day that, one year ago, I began looking into Patreon and setting it up. I didn't post anything until tomorrow, but today's the day I started fooling around with this Patreon Page! This is my One Year Anniversary on Patreon, and the only reason I'm still here is because of all of you.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Hope everyone has had as good a year as I have. Hope everyone is having a good start to 2018 like I am. You guys have allowed me to live my dream, and without you I'd be stuck in a dead end job, my soul wasting away. Alright, maybe that's a little dramatic, but you get the idea ;)
Anyways, in celebration of the fact that I'm now One Year Old on Patreon, let's go ahead and do another Poll so I can see where you guys are all coming from! Since I last asked this question back in July, there have been over four hundred more of you who have signed up and pledged to me!
Thank you again, and here's to another great year of lewds and smutty good times!