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Themes: Foursome, Big Dick, Fucked Silly, Anal

Word Count: 4,832

Summary: A new recruit with the Diamond Dogs proves himself in a big way on a tough mission alongside Meryl Silverburgh and Quiet, the mute sniper. What follows... is pure debauchery as the recruit proves himself in another BIG way on the ride back.


Another day, another successful mission. Bryan knows that he still has room to improve, but he can’t help but wear a shit-eating grin on his face as he sits back in his seat, riding a helicopter back to Mother Base after a Search and Destroy mission in Kabul. The young recruit had to admit, so far his time in the Diamond Dogs had been some of the best weeks of his life.

“Feeling good about yourself, rookie?”

Immediately, the young man straightens up as the voice of his mentor fills the air. Meryl Silverburgh smirks slightly as they lock eyes, and the red head trails her gaze up and down his profile for a moment before lifting a brow.

“I asked you a question, didn’t I?”

Flushed slightly with embarrassment, Bryan decides that the best thing to do here is to speak from the heart. Nodding cautiously, he swallows hard.

“Yes ma’am. Feeling very good, ma’am.”

Chuckling, Meryl bobs her head up and down in casual agreement.

“As you should. Even with the boss lending us his pet mute for this operation, you did well today rookie. Gave a superb showing of yourself, in the end.”

At the mention of the helicopter’s other passenger, Bryan glances over at Quiet, the mute sniper who he’d thought was a prisoner… but at this point, she was going on missions with Snake and even now with them, so how much of a prisoner could she be? The scantily clad brunette flips Meryl off, but other than that, she doesn’t say a word. Of course not… still, the look she gives him is surprisingly speculative, and Bryan can’t help but swell up a little at having the considering eyes of two gorgeous beauties on him.

“… Rookie, you got a big dick?”

Wait, what? Bryan’s eyes go wide as he looks back to Meryl. The red head has a decidedly raunchy grin on her face as she glances between HIS face and his crotch, her tongue slipping out to lick at her lips.

“E-Excuse me, ma’am?”

Thoroughly taken off guard, Bryan finds himself blushing a bit more. If anyone else had asked, specifically anyone male, the young man would likely have answered with a “larger than yours!” without so much as a pause. But this wasn’t just his mentor asking, it was also a beautiful, chesty woman. One that he’d had more than a few nighttime fantasies about since arriving at Mother Base.

Meryl’s grin widens.

“Simple question, rookie. How big is your cock?”

God, hearing a word like that from her… Bryan swallows and steels himself, sitting up straight as he looks his superior in the eye. He’s not about to let a chance like this pass him by. If she wants to ask him a question like that… he’s going to give her an answer.

“Big enough to satisfy you, ma’am.”

The red head’s eyes widen slightly in surprise at his brazen reply. But rather than grow embarrassed or back off, Meryl’s smile only grows wider still, and a moment later she’s pulling out of her harness as she moves across the cargohold of the larger than normal chopper. Bryan watches, surprised and a little turned on, as the woman pulls down the zipper of her jacket, walking towards him all the while.

She falls to her knees in front of him and spreads his legs apart, even as she shirks off her jacket and her tank-top as well, revealing a rather salacious strapless red bra. With her massive tits almost popping out of her undergarment, Meryl looks up into Bryan’s eyes.

“I’m going to hold you to that claim, rookie. There’ll be a punishment, if you’re mistaken.”

Bryan swallows, but doesn’t respond. Instead, he decides to let his dick do the talking for him, as his superior goes for his belt and zipper, quickly extracting his cock from its tight confines. A light gasp leaves the woman’s lips as she finally makes contact with his member, and her eyes go wider still when she finally pulls it out into the open.

Even Quiet sits up, wide eyed, at the sight of his half-hard cock, thick and meaty and large in all the right ways. The movement draws Bryan’s eyes over to the mute sniper, but before he can do much more than grin at her sudden blazing interest, Meryl’s mouth closes over his cockhead and Bryan’s head tilts back as he lets out an immensely satisfied groan.

In all fairness, it’s been a while. There weren’t that many female personnel within the Diamond Dogs. In point of fact, Bryan was probably in a helicopter ride with a good percentage of them right here and right now. Still, Meryl’s wet, velvety mouth is something special as she begins to bob her head up and down his length. Bryan’s hand instinctively goes to the top of said head, his fingers lacing through her red locks, but he doesn’t try to control it or anything, and the woman doesn’t stop regardless, continuing to worship his cock with her tongue and lips as she sucks him off.

Bryan does want more though… he really does. With a grunt, the young man unstraps himself as well, and leans over Meryl as she continues to bob up and down his length. The clasp on the back of her strapless bra comes undone easily enough, and the red head moans along his shaft as he pulls the garment away, letting her massive mammaries fall free.

As Meryl continues to suck his cock, Bryan can’t help but play with her ta-tas, his hands groping and caressing the beautiful, buxom red head’s breasts to his heart’s content. How can he not take advantage of his superior’s rather exposed state? Meryl continues to moan around his cock as she bobs her head up and down it, until finally, she pulls back with a gasp and tears herself from his grip.

Bryan blinks at this, even as the red head grins, a strand of drool falling from her lips.

“Getting… mm, getting a bit ahead of yourself there rookie, don’t you think?”

Honestly, looking as she is now, Bryan can’t help but be completely unintimidated by the woman before him. Grinning cockily, the young man shrugs his shoulders expressively.

“Still think I’m mistaken?”

Meryl just stares for a moment, before grinning wider still.

“You cocky little… mm, you’re taking responsibility then, you hear me? Can’t just get me all hot and bothered like that and not expect to deal with it. C’mere, brat.”

With that, the red head turns around, facing away from him as she unbuckles her own belt and pulls down her pants to her knees. Climbing up into her seat, Meryl kneels there as she looks back over her shoulder, smirking at the gob smacked expression on Bryan’s face as he stares at the red-lace panties she’s currently wearing., and the way they perfectly sculpt and shape her firm, toned ass.

Almost in a daze, Bryan finds himself rising from his seat in the still moving helicopter. Licking his lips, his mouth surprisingly dry, the young man moves forward over to where Meryl waits for him. She wiggles her ass back and forth a little bit suggestively, a wicked, raunchy grin still stretching from ear to ear and a twinkle in her eye.

“Well, big boy? Come on then. Get to it.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Lunging forward, Bryan latches onto the curvy hips in front of him, much to Meryl’s vocal satisfaction. The red head lets out a delighted gasp as he slips his fingers into the waistband of her panties, before pulling them down off of her hips and over her ass, revealing both her delectable derriere and her wet pussy lips as he drags them down to her knees as well. 

Meryl moans when Bryan places his cockhead up against her dripping cunt, and that alone is enough to spur him forward. With a growl, the young man shoves as much of his big, fat dick into her tight little pussy as he can and Meryl shrieks in response, the red head’s eyes going wide as she shakes and spasms, her inner walls clenching down HARD along his shaft.

“Oh fuck YES! Just like that rookie, just like fucking that!”

Well, with feedback like that, how can Bryan do anything but give her more of the same? Grinning triumphantly, the young recruit begins to really pound his superior into the wall of the large heli’s cargohold. His member thrusts forward into her time and time again, railing her wet cunt, stretching it out around his sizable girth.

Meryl’s first orgasm comes in mere moments, her eyes rolling back in her head as her lips form into an O. A loud, wanton moan leaves the crimson-haired woman’s throat as she cums HARD along his dick, her pussy walls tightening, squeezing, and gripping every last inch of his shaft. It feels heavenly. Bryan isn’t ashamed to admit that. He’s no virgin, of course… he’s had his fair share of fucks in his young life.

But this? This takes the cake. Meryl Silverburgh is a fucking goddess among women, a perfectly sculptured piece of art. Being inside of her, FUCKING her… it feels better than good. It feels great. Bryan grunts and growls as he tries to hold back the inevitable. His hips slam forward as she pushes her butt back at him, and his cock goes deeper and deeper into the red head’s cunt, until its ramming up against her cervix itself, slamming into the entrance of her womb time and time again.

And then Meryl cums once more, and suddenly, Bryan is through. He groans as his length pushes through the woman’s cervix, filling her womb with his cockmeat. He’s always been big in size, and because of this, he’s never been able to get his full length inside of a woman before. There’s always been a few inches left forward. For the first time in his life, the entirety of his cock ends up sheathed inside a wet, warm cunt.

Meryl goes silent, though from what he can see, it’s not because she’s upset or anything like that. Quite the contrary, the red head shakes and spasms some more on his dick, and reaching out, Bryan grabs a fistful of her crimson hair, pulling her head back to confirm his suspicions. The woman, a proud and capable fighter in many respects, has a completely fucked silly look on her face in that moment.

His cock has broken her, at least temporarily. With her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth quite lewdly, Meryl looks more like a slut than his superior. It’s too much for him though. In the end, he can’t hold back forever. With one last frustrated growl, Bryan slams home into Meryl’s womb a final time, deforming the woman’s most sacred place around his cockhead before beginning to cum a second later.

His release spills out into her body, filling her to the brim and then some as Bryan actually finds himself pushed back out of her from the sheer pressure. It’s the biggest cum shot he’s ever had, to be fair, and judging by the shrieks and spasms as Meryl shakes and seizes up, it’s the biggest she’s ever had as well. Bryan stumbles back, even as he watches his seed fountain out of Meryl’s cunt, splashing all over the floor of the helicopter’s cargohold.

Hot damn, not even HE knew that he could cum that much. Meryl slumps down onto the seat she’s knelt upon, clearly passed out, and Bryan just sits back and enjoys the sight of her naked rear, even as his cock begins to slowly soften. Only, before it can do so fully, something blocks his vision. A very delicious PAIR of somethings, as it so happens.

Eyes wide, the young recruit looks up into Quiet’s face, noting the lust raging in her eyes and the mischievous smile on her lips. The woman, clad in nothing but her extremely skimpy black bikini, leans over him, her tits hanging within their confines, just out of reach of his mouth. Staring into her eyes still, Bryan leans forward and grabs the edge of her bikini top with his teeth, slowly dragging at it until her breasts pop free completely.

Quiet’s mouth opens in what was probably supposed to be a gasp, but nothing comes out. Even still, the satisfaction and desire in her eyes is quite obvious, quite clear to him. Slowly, the mute sniper descends to her knees, and a moment later, she has his softening prick wrapped up in her breasts. Her bountiful, buxom breasts. Bryan can’t help but stare, sitting back and recovering from the exertion of fucking his mentor, as Quiet slowly slides her beautiful tits up and down his dick, giving him quite the superb boobjob.

“S-Shit… where’d you learn to do something like this?”

Her only response is to lean in and take his cockhead in between her lips. The mute woman suckles at his dick tip for a good few moments, even as the juices from his and Meryl’s coupling make a mess of Quiet’s breasts. Eventually though, the sniper stops, seeming to have other plans. Bryan is once more fully erect when Quiet pulls back from him. He blinks as the mute sniper moves back to the seats beside him, and slowly, sensually lays herself out atop them.

She’s facing away from him for some reason… a reason that becomes abundantly clear quite suddenly when Quiet reaches back and undoes the ties of her bikini bottoms, letting them fall away to expose her bodacious back side. When her hands then grab onto her ass cheeks and grip tightly before pulling them apart…

Well, Bryan finds himself staring at the mute sniper’s clean sphincter as Quiet offers up her ass to him silently. Her desire is obvious, and the young man marvels at the woman’s ability to get her point across without a single word, even as he stands up and then crawls atop her, resting on the backs of her thighs and pointing his dick to that tight little hole between her butt cheeks.

“… Damn, you’re a kinky little bitch, aren’t you?”

Quiet’s heel comes up and kicks him playfully in the back as her eyes smolder with need in response. Bryan laughs and leans forward, fitting his cockhead up against her back door.

“Alright, alright… I’m going, no need to rush. Don’t want to hurt you now…”

Whatever her nonverbal response to that might have been, it goes unknown, as Bryan starts to penetrate Quiet’s asshole. It’s actually quite fun, watching the mute sniper’s expression shift into something truly delightful. Her mouth opens and her face grows red as her eyes become rather hooded. She pants, and that seems to be the most she can do when it comes to sound. All the while, Bryan stares at that face, watching her reactions with badly concealed glee as he fits inch after inch of his cock into her ass.

This was what she wanted after all, wasn’t it? His dick, deep inside of her? Bryan was happy to give that to her. Happy to take her ass and fill it with his big, fat cock. It feels amazing, to be fair. His encounter with Meryl, and Quiet’s own saliva, leave his member lubed up enough to just slowly slide into the mute woman’s ass, bit by bit. Eventually, he’s balls deep inside of her, filling her bowels with every last piece of his thick meat rod.

With the base of his cock pressed against her firm, fat ass cheeks, Bryan waits for a moment, watching as Quiet goes from silent orgasmic bliss back to normal slowly but surely, her recovery eventually leading her to bite her lower lip and nod her head, giving him nonverbal permission to continue. Bryan was more than happy to do so.

With a big wide grin on his face, the young recruit pulls out halfway, and then thrusts back in again all the harder. Quiet’s eyes go wide, her pupils dilate, and her jaw drops open. A moment later, the mute is cumming silently, her body shaking and spasming, but nothing but gasps and pants, exhalations of air, coming from her throat. 

Bryan doesn’t stop for anything at that point. Settling into a steady, fast pace, the young man fucks Quiet right up her ass for some time, filling her back door with his dick with just as much gusto and enthusiasm as he’d filled Meryl’s cunt. The red head is still passed out on her seat across the cargohold, and his seed is still leaking from betwixt her thighs, though it’s no longer a spout of white, hot cum.

Seeing that when he glances over at the beautiful red head, Bryan can’t help but want to leave Quiet in the same state. Unfortunately, it’s clear that the mute sniper is made of some strong stuff, probably just as strong if not stronger than Meryl herself. As his cock pounds down into her ass, the prone woman still finds the strength to push back against his pistoning shaft, her hips rising to meet him with every thrust forward that he makes. 

The sniper is cumming again and again around his dick, and yet she’s still doing so very nearly silently. It’s strange… and also incredibly arousing, oddly enough. Bryan can’t help but enjoy the quiet, no pun intended. He’s also very much enjoying Quiet herself, to be fair. Even still, the cargohold is filled with nothing but the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, his slick shaft ramming into her back door with great force.

Its extremely hot, and more than a little sexy… to say nothing of the tightness of Quiet’s back door itself. As he continues to fuck the mute sniper, Quiet climaxes repeatedly, and though her pussy walls can’t tighten around his dick, her anal muscles do a fair enough job all on their own. As he gives her a deep, powerful butt pounding, Quiet’s asshole milks Bryan’s dick for all its worth… and in the end, he can’t hold back anymore.

“F-Fuck, I’m cumming!”

Quiet glances back at him with an almost lazy smirk on her face, her eyes hooded as she squeezes along his shaft for all she’s worth. However, it’s clear that the mute sniper ISN’T expecting him to pull his cock out of her ass right as he begins to spray out his seed. Quiet’s eyes go wide and her face goes blank for a moment as Bryan’s cum lands across her naked ass and her blemish free, exquisite back. It goes all the way to the nape of her neck before he’s done… and a moment later the mute sniper seizes up, experiencing an orgasm to end all orgasms as half of her body ends up ‘drinking’ in his seed.

Much like the woman would drink water or air through her skin, Bryan’s cum ends up absorbed into her form, not that the young recruit even knew that was a possibility. In the end, he gets his wish after all, because Quiet passes out from the subsequent pleasure overload, even as her body absorbs all of his precious seed… and subsequently, develops a ‘taste’ for it that will follow him far into the future. 

Not that Bryan knows it… but he just became the mute sniper’s very favorite person, and Quiet was the kind of woman who latched on and didn’t let go easily. Regardless, Bryan wasn’t thinking much about the future. He was more focused on the here and now, even as he stumbles off of Quiet’s body, panting heavily. Holy shit, that hadn’t necessarily been as physically exhausting as fucking Meryl from behind, but he was still tired.

Only… were they even moving anymore?

“Finally done with the mute, rookie? You really did a number on them. Mm, I can only imagine what you might do to me.”

Bryan’s eyes snap up towards the entrance to the cockpit, where the Pequod Pilot stands, wearing nothing but a pair of grey, close fitting shorts, a sports bra with the Diamond Dog logo on it, and her pilot’s helmet. The young man can’t help but stare, even as she slowly saunters forward. He doesn’t even know her name. Hell, Bryan didn’t even know they had a female pilot on this mission. What were the odds of that? He’d been right before, when he’d jokingly assumed that a large percentage of the Diamond Dog’s female recruits were in this helicopter with him.

Grinning wickedly, the half-naked Pequod Pilot falls to her knees right in front of him, just like the rest. She takes hold of his softening prick and coos over his length as it quickly comes back to life in her grasp. Her tongue comes out and she laps and licks at his dick tip for a bit, before swirling it back and forth along his length. A moan leaves her throat, and then she’s sucking him off just like Meryl and Quiet.

Bryan had never had anything like this happen to him before. Sure, he had a large dick. Sure, he’d impressed more than his fair share of lovers in his short life. But this? Was every woman in the Diamond Dogs a slut? More likely, they were all just adventure seeking adrenaline junkies, in the end. Bryan could understand that. If they were all simply overly eager to enjoy the finer things in life… well, that just made his dick one of the finer things, didn’t it?

With a wicked grin on his face, Bryan can’t help but palm the pilot’s helmet as she bobs up and down on his dick. He may not know her name, but she has an impressive enough body, and honestly, there’s something about fucking a woman in uniform that really gets him going… even if that uniform has been reduced to just the helmet and her Diamond Dog issued undergarments.

Groaning, Bryan enjoys the way that the pilot’s tongue feels on his dick for just a moment longer… then he pushes her away from him, before grabbing her by the shoulders and hauling her to her feet. Their eyes meet for a moment as the pilot pouts slightly at having her fun ended too soon. Bryan just snorts.

“This’ll be my third load in less than an hour, sweetheart. Let’s not waste it before you get your own satisfaction.”

And then he’s tugging down her sports bra, releasing what happens to be a large pair of tits, much to Bryan’s satisfaction. He leans in and suckles one of the pilot’s nipples into his mouth, and she moans loudly and lewdly as her fingers curl into his hair, pulling him all the closer. Slowly, Bryan walks the Pequod Pilot back over to the nearby wall next to the cockpit. He presses her up against it and slides his hands down the sides of her body, even as she moans and tosses her head back, his lips still suctioned to one of her nipples.

Slipping his fingers into the waistband of the pilot’s shorts, Bryan begins to pull, drawing her underwear down off of her hips, off of her ass, and even further. Finally, he has to disengage from her nipple as he slides all the way down until he can get her shorts off of one of her feet. The Pequod Pilot doesn’t resist one bit, in fact she actively helps him.

As soon as he can, Bryan hooks an arm underneath the beautiful, lustful woman’s leg, and pulls it up, spreading her wide and leaving her doing a balancing act on the final leg even as she gasps in shock at his forwardness. Wrapping her arms around his neck for balance, the Pequod Pilot stares into Bryan’s eyes, even as his cockhead slips in between her pussy lips. They both glance down at his massive meat rod, nestled between them as it is, and the pilot’s voice is deep and throaty when she speaks.

“You gonna fuck me with that thing now or what? I’m ready, rookie. Stick it in me. Make me squeal, just like you did with the Commander.”

Reminded of Meryl, Bryan can’t help but glance back at the red head. He’s startled when he finds her awake and watching the entire exchange. Sprawled out in the seat she’d passed out on, Meryl Silverburgh bites her lower lip as she fingers her cum-filled cunt to the sight of him about to fuck their pilot. His eyes meet with hers, and to his surprise, his superior averts her gaze, seeming almost embarrassed… or submissive.

With that fresh surge of confidence, Bryan looks back to the amused Pequod Pilot and gives her a massive grin.

“You bet your fat ass I am!”

She frowns slightly at that.

“Hey, it’s not that fa-gaaah!!!”

And then he’s fucking her, and there’s no more time for words as the pilot clings to him for dear life, her breasts bouncing and jiggling between them as he pounds her up against the wall. His member slides into her without much issue, and Bryan can’t help but wonder just how long the pilot was watching. Well, if she’d seen and heard what he’d done to Meryl, she must have at least been aware of what was going on from almost the beginning.

Hm, there were cameras in choppers this big, weren’t there? In point of fact, the pilot had probably seen and heard EVERYTHING. With that realization fresh in his mind, Bryan grins savagely as he pounds up into the Pequod Pilot’s cunt all the harder. The leg that he’d holding up with his arm bounces and jiggles, while the one still attached to the ground shakes and wobbles.

Most of her weight is on his dick or pinned to the wall at this point. Grunting, Bryan decides to take it a step further and make it ALL of her weight. His other arm comes down and he swiftly and easily hooks it under her remaining leg, before pulling the Pequod Pilot off the floor of the helicopter entirely. You’d think a woman like her would be used to flying, but the first time she comes down with all of her weight on his member, impaled to the base of his dick, the pilot squeals in quite the satisfying manner, shrieking and hollering at the top of her lungs like there’s no tomorrow.

“Fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK! Too big, too god-damn big! That thing should be classified as a fucking weapooooon!!!”

The Pequod Pilot’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she promptly loses it, right then and there. It’s clear the woman isn’t made of the same strong stuff as Meryl and Quiet, but that doesn’t make her cunt any less tight, or her bountiful, bouncing body any less desirable. Grinning almost ferally, Bryan leans forward and nips at the tip of her tongue as it hangs out of her mouth, before ultimately smashing his lips against hers, both of their tongues wrestling for dominance.

The pilot loses of course, and badly. She’s not capable of concentrating on something like that, she’s barely capable of concentrating on anything at all at this point. The young recruit pounds up into the beautiful pilot with all his might, and she cums along his cock time and time again as he does so. But he wasn’t wrong when he told her this would be his third release and he didn’t want to waste it. In no time at all, Bryan lets out a hoarse shout as he cums HARD, his seed pumping up into the Pequod Pilot’s womb as she shakes and spasms on his cock.

And then its over. Bryan pulls his softening prick out of the Pequod Pilot’s stuffed cunt and lets her slide down the wall to the floor, even as his seed pours out from between her gaping pussy lips. She lays there, unconscious up against the wall, even as a hand slaps down on his shoulder.

“Well, well, look at you, rookie. You successfully disabled our pilot. Good thing the mission is already over, huh?”

Bryan blushes as he glances to his side, where Meryl stands, looking amused and partially redressed. She’s not nearly as submissive as she was a moment ago, and with a couch of embarrassment, the young recruit tucks his cock back into the confines of his pants, even as the red head chuckles and nods her head to the nearby seats.

“Strap sleeping beauty in, alright? Luckily for you, I know how to fly one of these. I’ll get us back to Mother Base swiftly enough. And then we’ll talk about the changes I intend to make to our… student-teacher relationship.”

“… Yes ma’am.”

“That’s a good lad.”


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