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Themes: Fucked Silly, Threesome, Mind Break 

Summary: Part 3 of God-Like Stamina. In which the Amazoness Twins are sacrificed to Bell's insane appetite in order to give Hestia and Lilliruca a bit of a break. Neither Tione nor Tiona can properly believe that Bell could be all that much of a challenge. Certainly, he couldn't possibly beat either of them! Boy are they wrong... 


“Well, well, well… to think you’d come to me, hat in hand. You really must be desperate.”

Loki is fully prepared to lord it over her fellow Goddess for as long as possible, to make Hestia squirm and act all tsun-tsun before finally getting to the heart of the matter. Which is why it’s a bit of a surprise when the pigtailed short stack looks Loki right in the eyes and nods.

“Y-Yes… I… I need your help, Loki. I have nowhere else to turn… Hephaestus doesn’t have any high level female adventurers that m-might be able to rein in Bell. But you… you have so many strong followers!”

She really is desperate; Loki realizes with a start. Rather than Hestia being the one left squirming and in denial, it’s Loki who does a bit of squirming, uncomfortable in the face of her rival’s earnestness. Obviously, she’d heard rumors of the sort of relationship that the Goddess of the Hearth had begun to engage in with the very first member of her Familia. Honestly, Loki had been undeniably jealous at the time. It was exactly the sort of thing she wanted with her own precious family, but so far, they’d denied her at every turn!

Ah, but she never would have guessed that getting to do that sort of thing with your darling followers could be a sort of double-edged sword. From what Hestia had told her… Bell was a beast in bed. That alone would have been fine, but it seemed he was also entirely insatiable, his stamina seeming to never end, at least when it came to sex. For a Level Three, he really was something special, wasn’t he? Of course, the way he’d gotten that level-up… Hestia had just gotten done telling Loki about how Bell had fucked his supporter in the depths of the dungeon itself, only to go on an eight hour long murder spree when the dungeon took offense to not being taken seriously.

Yes, if Hestia was to be believed, and it was hard not to take her seriously when she was acting so earnest, all of her usual tsundere-qualities stripped away… then Bell Cranel was becoming a bit of a problem. He would wear right through both his Goddess and his Supporter at the rate he was going. Someone… or perhaps a pair of someones, needed to put him in his place and teach him some restraint.

Hestia might have opened Pandora’s Box, but Loki could be the one to close it back up in this instance… and in doing so, be able to lord it over Hestia for the rest of their mutual divine existence. A slow smirk spreads across the trickster goddess face and she leans forward, making eye contact with the Goddess of the Hearth staring at her beseechingly from across the table.

“… I might be able to help you out, Hestia. I’ve even got a plan for how to deal with Bell’s insatiable libido. But you’ll owe me… you’ll owe me BIG time.”

Hestia shudders, some of their old rivalry showing on the goddess’ face for a moment… but ultimately her shoulders slump and she just nods, another sign of just how desperate she is.

“F-Fine… I am in your debt. But please, just take this seriously. You need to send your best o-or else Bell will just… fuck right through them…”

Loki scoffs at that. If she were to send her best, that would mean throwing Ais at Bell… and that was never going to happen, not in a million years. For one thing, level did not translate into sexual prowess and Loki was confident that Ais was a pure snowflake who’d never felt a single sexual urge in her entire life. After all, that was the reason Loki’s own advances on the quiet blonde had all been rebuffed!

No, she’s not going to send her beloved Ais at Bell, that would be ridiculous. However… she had just the girls in mind to tame Bell and bring him under control. Oh yes, this was going to go… perfectly.


“Goddess? I’m back… Lili needs a nap, so I was hoping you and I could… you know, have some fun! I made a lot of money in the dungeon…”

Bell steps into the empty living room of the Hestia Familia’s small, shared living space and furrows his brow in confusion, wondering just where his Goddess is. He’s just put Lili down for a nap after tuckering the poor little thing out… again. She always came back for more though, and Bell was always happy to give it to her. Plus, it got them so much more money from the dungeon! Not to mention so much more experience… 

He’d truly been surprised to level up after that eight hour slaughter fest proceeding his first time with Lili, but at the same time, Bell wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. With his new ‘training technique’ he was confident that he could go deeper and deeper, and maybe level up to Level Four sometime soon!

But right now, what Bell wanted more than anything else was to take care of his raging hard-on. Which was why he was looking for Hestia, eager to lay some pipe in the Goddess of the Hearth, as it were. And yet… she wasn’t here? Bell frowns, just about ready to turn and go wandering through the streets looking for her, when out from behind two corners step some familiar faces.

“Your Goddess isn’t around right now, Argonaut-kun.”

“I suppose you’ll have to settle for us… though don’t think anything of this! This isn’t about love…”

Bell blinks as Tiona and Tione Hiryute both reveal themselves to him. His already painfully hard cock jumps in the confines of his light armor as he swallows thickly at the sight of the two sexy, scantily clad Amazonesses. The dark-skinned sisters really are incredibly beautiful… and Bell is fully on board with having some sexual fun with them instead of Hestia, if she truly is busy at the moment.

However, before he can do or say anything, Tione, a small scowl on her face, flicks her fingers. Quite abruptly, Bell finds himself thrown backwards onto the ground, his arms pulled over his head and his legs spread as his wrists and ankles are bound by the magic of List Iorum, the older Amazoness’ personal magic.

“A-Ah, what?”

Bell’s surprise is met with a sympathetic smile from Tiona, and a derisive scoff from Tione, the two Amazoness sisters striding over to where he’s laid out on the floor, bound and helpless.

“If we’re doing this, we’re doing this OUR way.”

“Sorry Argonaut-kun~ Just lie back and relax, okay?”

With how hard his cock currently is, relaxing is a bit difficult. But thankfully, Tione and Tiona don’t leave him hanging for long. Though, he has to admit to feeling a wee bit of trepidation when Tione pulls out her Zolas, the pair of kukri knives flashing in the room’s lamplight. She brings them down at him, and Bell lets out a yelp, only for there to be no pain… just a breezy feeling, as his clothing is cut away from him piece by piece until he’s fully naked.

His cock, freed from its confines, comes up, standing fully at attention between his legs as both Tione and Tiona stare at it with wide eyes for a moment. Tione is the first to react, bringing a hand up to press against her cheek as she lays her other arm under her substantial tits, subconsciously pushing them up and outwards as she strikes a pose.

“Oh my… I suppose the boy has SOME manly parts after all, doesn’t he? Dibs!”

That gets Tiona’s attention, the younger and flatter chested of the two Amazonesses whirling on her big sister.

“W-What?! But what about Finn?! I thought we agreed I could do the heavy lifting!”

Gracing her little sister with an easy smirk, Tione just laughs.

“Like I said before, this isn’t about love. My heart belongs to Finn, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself while I wait for him to realize his heart belongs to me in turn. Bell here is going to be nothing more than our glorified sex toy until we’re both satisfied and done with him. Don’t worry Tione, you’ll get your turn. Still, I did call dibs… and as the older sibling, I get first pick. That’s how it works.”

Bell can only watch from his position bound and spread eagle on the floor as Tiona’s cheeks puff out in indignant frustration. But in the end, she submits to her sister’s authority in this instance, it seems. The two scantily clad Amazonesses turn towards him together and stalk over, and before Bell knows what’s happening, they’ve taken up position at either end of his body. 

This means that even as Tione is crouching down and gripping his massive throbbing member with both hands, Tiona is standing over him, revealing to him the fact that she’s wearing absolutely no panties beneath her rather short tribal skirt, even as she glares down at him for a moment.

“You better make me feel good, Argonaut-kun.”

And then she promptly sits on his face, even as Tione begins the process of placing his cock at the entrance of her pussy lips, rubbing her moistening slit up and down across the bulbous head of his member.


She was only doing this for Loki, at the end of the day. After all, Tione’s heart belonged to Finn Deimne. After he’d defeated her, well it was only fair that a maiden such as herself fall in love with a strong example of masculinity such as Finn. Even if she was an Amazoness, even if she was a warrior, she was also still a woman at heart.

But at the same time, Finn hadn’t actually responded positively to any of her attempts at getting his attention quite yet. And a girl had needs, right? So, when Loki had come to her and Tiona about a little favor that the trickster goddess was doing for Hestia, Tione had ultimately fallen in line. Even if the idea of putting young Bell Cranel in his place because he was apparently tuckering out both his Goddess and his Supporter sexually was an odd one.

It was a request from Loki herself though, so at the end of the day, Tione would help out… and in the process, she’d scratch an itch that she hadn’t had scratched in far too long. Though, she had to admit, even she wasn’t expecting Bell to be so… big. As she holds him in both of her hands and rubs his cock against her wet pussy lips, she frowns. 

He’s even bigger than she first thought. But if she gave up now, Loki would be disappointed in her. More than that, her sister would likely take her place and prove that SHE could handle it just fine, further humiliating Tione. The Amazoness wasn’t about to lose to some Level Three Adventurer, not when she and her sister were Level Fours and on the cusp of reaching Level Five. The gap between each level for adventurers was immense, which was why she’d had no trouble restraining Cranel in the first place.

Slowly but surely, Tione is able to take him inside of her. Gripping Bell’s throbbing, pulsating girth in her hands, she groans loudly as she sinks inch after inch down onto his member, crouching with her legs spread wide and bent at the knee. Her hands fall away from his member after she gets a few inches down, and she clenches them into fists, bringing her arms up to her chest and forcing herself further and further down his cock.


With only half of Bell’s cock inside of her, she can already feel him pressing up against her cervix, pushing it up into her womb. Her pussy walls, stretched so wide around the young man’s thick prick clench and squeeze weakly in abject submission. Even if he is just a Level Three adventurer… her insides are giving way before his cock.

But she’s still in control. Reminding herself of that is a little difficult, but Tione nonetheless gets herself back on task, bringing her breathing back under control and wiping the sweat from her brow. She’s very aware of Tiona’s eyes on her, even as her younger sister rides Bell’s face, moaning quietly from the young man’s tongue technique as she gyrates her hips across his mouth.

She can’t afford to make a fool of herself here, can’t afford to have her sister see her looking silly or anything like that. Once she’s got everything under control, Tione slowly pulls herself back up and then drops herself back down, panting a bit, but ultimately controlling her outward reactions, even as she starts to ride Bell.

“You’re not taking him all the way, Tione.”

Trust Tiona to notice something like that. Glaring at her sister, Tione scoffs, even as she continues to ride Bell, sliding up and down the first half of his cock with greater and greater speed as she gets wetter and wetter from the feeling of him stretching her so damn wide. She’s careful to hide how good it feels to have him ramming up against her cervix again and again, pushing it up into her a couple of inches. She has to be careful not to let him go too deep, even as her insides get slicker… 

“I’m doing as I like with our meat toy, Tiona. When it’s your turn, you can do the same.”

Tiona just giggles, only for that to be broken by a moan as the Amazoness shudders atop Bell’s face, his tongue clearly working wonders for the younger woman. For a time, that’s all there is too it, the two Amazonesses riding Bell on either end and groaning and moaning. Tione is desperately trying to hold back an orgasm though. 

Her pride as an Amazoness means that Bell HAS to cum before she does. And she’s so sure that she’s close, so sure that he’s going to cum any second and paint her insides white. He has to be close, after all her pussy is top notch, deliciously tight and muscled as she grips down on his cock. Any second now, he-

There’s a sudden snapping sound, and both women look down to see that Tione’s List Iorum has suddenly failed, the bindings on Bell’s wrists and ankles snapping. His hands are suddenly on Tione’s hips, and the busty Amazoness grits her teeth even as she scoffs.

“Cheeky little brat, aren’t-!”

Before she can finish the sentence, Bell pulls with all his might and thanks to her wetness, thanks to her slickness… Tione slides right down the other half of his cock, even as his massive bulbous cockhead punches right through her already weakened cervix and up into her womb. At a sudden loss for words, the Amazoness’ eyes widen and then roll half back in her head, and her body, which up until this point had been tense with concentration, begins to go limp as Bell’s cock bulges out of her taut belly.

At the same time, Tiona lets out a louder moan than before, her tone clearly surprised at whatever Bell is doing with his tongue. Tione is left in no position to wonder what that is though, even as she slumps forward into her sister’s arms, unable to keep herself up straight anymore. Wanton moans and orgasmic cries exit her lips as Bell Cranel begins to fuck her from below in earnest, plowing her with deep thrusts up into her unprotected womb, up into her submitting insides.

This… this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. This wasn’t fair. She was Level Four; he was Level Three. The difference in strength between them should have made it a foregone conclusion just who was in charge here. Yet somehow, Bell had broken through her magic and then her cervix, and now he was fucking her as he liked and all Tione could do was lean against her sister and moan like a wanton whore.

Was this the limit of a woman then? Even a First-Class Adventurer such as herself couldn’t train her insides? Cranel was conquering her, one thrust at a time. If she wasn’t so out of her mind with pleasure, she’d be more afraid, but as it was, Tione’s eyes were rolling further and further back in her head, her tongue starting to loll out of her mouth. When her little sister just giggles and then begins to kiss her, all Tione can do is moan into Tiona’s lips, their tongues wrestling as they exchange spit between one another.

She wants to tell Tiona that she’s next, she wants to warn her sister off… but then another particularly deep thrust punches all the way to the back of Tione’s womb, Bell’s cock bulging so high up that it causes her top to bust open, her breasts bouncing free. Tione’s back arches, her head tilting upwards, and she falls away from her sister, only Bell’s hands on her hips keeping her from falling backwards altogether, even as her spine bends.

He fucks her even as she cums again and again around his cock, until finally he spills his seed inside of her, filling her womb with his cum and leaving Tione Hiryute completely insensate to the world as she’s pulled off of his gorgeous, amazing, wondrous member and tossed aside.


It’s not what she would have preferred, of course, but as Bell begins to hesitantly lick and lap at her cunt, Tiona nonetheless lets out a soft, contented moan and settles in to ride his face until it’s finally her turn to ride his cock. At the same time, she watches Tione contend with said cock, her sister grappling with Bell’s immense length and grimacing as she continues to work at pressing down on his thick, girthy meat rod.

Eventually, Tione gets it inside of her, though not without visible difficulty. Her big sister is putting on a brave face, but Tiona can see the sweat on her brow, can see the way she brings her arms up in front of her as she crouches down and spreads herself wide trying to take in Bell’s cock. He truly does have a sizable member, doesn’t he? Licking her lips, Tione can only imagine how it will feel when it’s finally her turn…

She teases her older sister for not being able to take him all the way, and Tiona responds with her own bit of vitriol, and for a time they just ride Bell at both ends. He’s clearly inexperienced when it comes to eating a girl out, but what he lacks in knowledge and technique, he certainly makes up for with enthusiasm. Tiona can only moan happily as she rides Bell’s face, all while watching her sister struggle with his admittedly massive member.

And then things suddenly change, everything escalating when Bell breaks free of Tione’s binding magic and drags her all the way down the rest of his length. At the same time, he redoubles his tonguing of Tiona’s cunt, perhaps to keep her from interfering. It’s a bit frightening, seeing the way he so effortlessly breaks her older sister on his member. Tione probably wouldn’t enjoy it being said that way, but it’s exactly what happens, whatever she might wish.

His member bulges out of Tiona’s sister’s dark-skinned abdomen like it’s trying to tear its way out of her. Needless to say, it probably would if either of them were normal girls. But she and Tione are not only Amazonesses, they’re adventurers, Level Four at that, on the verge of going Level Five. Their bodies are more durable than any normal girl could ever hope to be.

As Bell proceeds to fuck the ever-living shit out of Tione, while at the same time bringing Tiona closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm with his tongue, it’s obvious that that durability has been turned against her big sister. Tione has no respite, no rest, no recovery as she’s fucked silly right before Tiona’s eyes. When her sister falls forward into her arms, Tiona takes advantage of it to makeout with her, something they haven’t done in far too long. When they were younger, they’d experimented with kissing with one another… but Tione had put a stop to that long ago, despite Tiona quite enjoying swapping spit with her big sis.

Now, Tiona does so again, making out with the helpless Amazoness to her heart’s content, right up until Bell redoubles his pace yet again and ultimately drives her sister back before finally cumming inside of her. By the time he does so, Tione’s eyes are fully rolled back in her head, her tongue lolled out of her mouth, her top torn from her by the sheer force with which he was fucking up into her. Her breasts are bouncing and jiggling all over the place, even as her belly bloats with the size of his cum load.

The sight of it all, of her sister’s total and utter annihilation at the hands of Bell Cranel, of her darling Argonaut-kun, is what finally sends Tiona over the edge as well… that and Bell’s ever eager tongue, of course. Moaning, Tiona climaxes all over Bell’s face, the explosive nature of the orgasm calling her to ultimately fall back off of him, onto her ass.

Slowly, Bell rises up. He pulls Tione off of his cock and drops her off to the side as he stands and turns towards Tiona. The younger of the two sisters, with her shorter hair and smaller chest, feels her heart thumping harshly in said chest, even as she crawls back to her knees, only to find Bell’s cock right in her face. He grabs her by her short hair and he presses the bulbous end of his messy member right up against her lips. She opens, of course… and he shoves his length right past her lips, right into her mouth… and right down the back of her throat.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

What a brute, treating her like she’s the toy. Didn’t he hear Tione at the beginning? He was supposed to be THEIR toy, not the other way around. Ah, but out of the corner of her eye, Tiona sees the state her older sister is in and mentally acknowledges that Tione’s words have ultimately proven to be entirely false at this point.

Regardless, there’s no tenderness to Bell’s actions as he begins to face fuck her quite vigorously on his cock, using her throat to clean his member of his and her sister’s indiscretion like she’s little more than a rag to wipe him off. Tiona lets it happen, absently noting that she can’t breathe, that this lower level adventurer, if he so wanted, could kill her by suffocating her.

Of course, that’s not what her Argonaut-kun wants at all, in the end. He doesn’t want her death… he wants her body. Bell eventually pulls back, leaving Tiona to gasp and wheeze and pant heavily as she looks up into his eyes. His cock is entirely clean now… which means when he shoves it back down her throat, well that’s just for fun, that’s just for his own pleasure.


Tiona chokes on the manly cock for who knows how long, until finally Bell pulls back and uses his grip on her hair to drag her to her feet and spin her around, facing her away from him. Tiona can only coo as he tears her chest wrap off of her rather flat chest, followed by removing her Amazoness skirt as well. In the end, he only leaves her with her belt as he proceeds to use it to hold onto, gripping her by the hip as well with his other hand… and slamming into her from behind with every inch of his cock.

Tiona doubles over from the force of the thrust, like taking a hefty blow to the gut from a particularly powerful monster. Her eyes go wide as the air leaves her lungs, and her mouth forms into an O as a silent scream passes her lips. Unlike with Tione, there’s no time between him hitting her cervix and him entering her womb. There’s no struggling with how big he is, no thought about how he can’t possibly go any further.

With how slick his cock is at this point, and just how wet Tiona is… his bitch breaker of a dick goes right through her cervix and into her womb, bulging out of her taut, toned abdomen just as it did with her sister. Using his grip on her belt, Bell begins to fuck the short-haired Amazoness harder and harder, pounding into her from behind with every inch of his cock, swinging her smaller body back and forth, her feet leaving the ground in her doubled over state. The bracelets and anklets on her limp limbs clink against each other in the process, forming the backdrop for Tiona’s thoughts as she’s vigorously used like some… some sort of meat hole.

It isn’t fair… none of it is fair. Does the difference in their levels and stats mean nothing? Was it truly to be their gender that decided the outcome? To be fair, Tiona had been interested in Bell Cranel ever since she watched him kill that Minotaur. He was such a spunky young kid, the kind of boy who she’d hoped would go far. Part of her had privately hoped he would eventually grow strong enough to defeat her in combat, so that maybe she could have someone to love and obsess over like her big sister.

But never had she thought he would prove her better while still a full level below her. She was an Amazoness. She was a warrior… but at the end of the day, she was also just a woman. Was there a woman alive that could possibly hold out when her insides were being molded into place by a cock as big and thick and fat as Bell Cranel’s?

There was no denying how shameful and humiliating it was for the two of them to be beaten in this way… but Tiona could see the writing on the wall all the same. Her older sister lay off to the side, practically insensate, Bell’s cum already starting to ooze out of her. Meanwhile, Tiona herself was in the process of breaking just as effectively as Tione did, her eyes threatening to roll back in her skull and never roll forward again with every thrust, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down completely ineffectually around Bell’s pistoning prick.

She cums her brains out on his cock, tongue lolling out of her mouth, drool slowly dripping down onto the floor as she’s fucked in that folded up position for what feels like an eternity, until finally, with a triumphant almost inhuman roar, Bell cums inside of her, just like he did her sister. That proves to be the final straw, that’s Tiona’s undoing, and in the end she ahegaos just like Tione, her eyes finally rolling backwards even as she screams in ecstasy and bliss.

Bell’s seed fills her womb to the brim and then some, while his substantial girth and big fat cock act as the perfect stopper, making her belly bulge rather than his cum actually exploding out of her. That doesn’t happen until he finally pulls out said stopper, his massive member leaving her pussy as Tiona is dropped face first onto the ground, left in the humiliating position of face down, ass up, while his white hot cum slowly begins to slop and drip out of her.

For a moment, the two Amazonesses just lay there beside each other, each in their own humiliating positions, each ahegaoing, each creampied to the max and completely broken by Bell’s cock. And then…

“That’s not all, right?”

Bell’s voice cuts through the haze like a knife through butter, bringing Tione and Tiona back to the realm of the living in a way practically nothing else probably could have. He speaks and they listen, the two Amazonesses slowly leveraging themselves back up, looking to the male adventurer, only to find him… still quite hard, still very thick and throbbing, his cock fully ready for another round or ten.

Slowly, on their hands and knees, Tione and Tiona crawl over to Bell’s cock and begins to share his member between them, both silently acknowledging that they’re just not going to get anywhere by trying to compete with one another. If they want to survive this… they’re going to have to work together to satisfy Bell Cranel’s insatiable libido. At least, that’s what they tell themselves inwardly.

But there’s no denying the heart-shaped pupils in their eyes, even as they slobber and suck and slurp at Bell’s cock in unison. Both have fallen victim to the same pleasure as Hestia and Lili… both are now fully aware that while they won’t be able to handle Bell alone, they can no longer live without his cock. So, they’ll work together, the two of them. They’ll work together as sisters… and do their level best to satisfy the man who’s so thoroughly broken them both as women.

Of course, Bell is just getting started. The only reprieve either woman will get is the simple fact that he already fucked Lili silly for the last several hours back in the dungeon. But with two gorgeous high level Amazonesses catering to his every whim, Bell has most definitely had his second wind. He’s not stopping any time soon, at least not before Hestia gets home from wherever she’s at.

Hestia is still his favorite, after all, she’ll always be his Number One… but hell, if a couple of gorgeous beauties like Tione and Tiona are going to throw themselves at him like this, who is he to say no?

Bell settles in for the long haul, fully intending to enjoy his newest lovers to every possible extent. It would be rude to give them anything less than his best after all, right? And Bell wasn’t the kind of guy who treated women rudely. No, he gave them exactly what they wanted… even if they didn’t know they wanted it.


A/N: A dozen virtual internet cookies to whoever can tell just which Hentai Doujin inspired a significant chunk of this piece, heh.


Archduke Earl Von Margrave

I’m going to guess ‘victimgirls 19 JEAZEBEL Amazones’ based on the who part of pride and the fact that there just isn’t enough Tiona and Tione doujinshi that’s translated.

Benjamin Lawton

Oh Loki, you sweet summer child. Ais isn't a snowflake; she just lacks the context to understand just how thirsty she truly is.


Aisha you're up😉

Benjamin Lawton

*blinkblink* Why Aisha? Haruhime, instead. (EDIT: Actually, that's not a bad idea. Bell knows about Haruhime's issues with intimacy, so instead of just railing her like he did all the previous girls, instead he goes out of his way to make sure HER experience is more gentle lovemaking. And in the process, wears HIMSELF out to a degree that none of the others ever managed!)


Is this a Victim Girls reference? The one with the minotaurs in the dungeon.


Nah, gotta start with Aisha and the others first. They'll want to protect Haruhime.


That's what it seems like and it sounds like he gets experience from fucking, I can see him leveling up in the next one just from sex and being able to take on Ais or another female godess


Hopefully the next chapters will have the same type of writing as this chapter. Seeing them slowly break is good stuff

Sicheng Wang

VictimGirls 19. Good taste.


Aisha wants Bell so this is her chance, also she's experienced something similar with Ishtar. I think the last should be Syr mostly because I'm a Syr/Freya theory believer. Who else would have the stamina to tire him out if not a fertility Goddesses. Or it was all Freya's plan to get Hestia to hand over Bell with no conflict.


Everyone is saying victim girl 19 but the guy being tied up while a girl thinks of him as a toy before getting fuck silly after the guy breaks out of it reminds me of another work of his:girls in the frame


Definitely victim girls volume 19 a personal favorite of mine!

Benjamin Lawton

Random thought: The Victim Girls series is just as much about girls getting impregnated, as part of the process of being broken. Will we be seeing any of that from Bell's various girls?