Merry Christmas! Also, Annual Pledge Poll
- Sure, I'd sign up for Annual Membership 194
- Nah, I'd probably stick to Monthly Membership 301
Hey guys! Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 2020 was a rough year for many, but because of all of your support, I've been able to weather it better than most. I honestly couldn't have done it without all of you.
Thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart, and here's to hoping 2021 is at least a smidgen better than 2020 has been.
On that note, I want to gauge reaction to something that I will be enable in 2021... namely, Patreon's new Annual Pledge option.
I've been holding off on enabling this new feature for a few months now, but with 2021 around the corner, I'm thinking about finally adding it to my Patreon.
Basically, you guys will be able to pledge to me for a full year instead of monthly, with the benefit being I'll knock off a month's price. So you'll get 12 months of my Patreon for pledging annually, and only pay for 11 months basically.
So the question I want to ask all of you is: Do you think this is something you'd do?
Just trying to gauge reception to the idea, this is probably something I'm doing no matter what, unless I get some very reasonable and thoughtful comments AGAINST enabling it in the comments down below.
Either way, Happy Holidays everyone, and stay safe on New Year's Eve!