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Happy New Year everyone! As I initially talked about a few days ago, I have now gone ahead and enabled Annual Pledges on my Patreon for the start of 2021.

It turns out that it doesn't go off of months but percentages, so I've just made it a crisp clean 10% discount for anyone who pledges to me annually instead of monthly.

If you want the discount, or just want to be able to pay for your pledge through the year all at once, feel free to do so! If you don't, you don't have to do anything and can continue on enjoying my content on a monthly basis like you already are.

Thanks again for patronizing my business in 2020, and here's to an astounding 2021 for us all =)

EDIT: It should be stated, I do not think you can up your $1 pledge to an annual pledge without changing to the $2! Because the $1 tier is discontinued, it does not qualify for annual pledges! So please keep that in mind if you want to stay at the $1 price point!



BTW I checked and under my membership there was a link saying "or save 10% if you pay annually" But when I clicked it, the billing was for $5 (actually $4 because I had already payed for January) and it said the next billing would be on Feb 1. So it basically redirected me to the $5 monthly tier


That's very strange, I don't know why it would do that. So far, I've had $2 patrons switch to annual and pay $21.60 for their yearly pledge, I've had one $1 patron switch to annual and pay $21.60 for their pledge, and I've also even had one $1 patron switch to annual and pay $10.80 for their yearly pledge. Not entirely sure how it works on the back end for you guys, I wish I could tell you more on how to do it. All I know at this point is that some people seem to be figuring out how to make it work.

Douglas Karr

Misread as Anal Pledges Enabled, pushed back the mouse and keyboard . . . .and backed away from the screen