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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 5 of A Feisty Form of Worship. Percy's travels continue, taking him to a time in America's past where European Settlers were still small in number and Native Americans still roamed the lands in great quantities. He does what he does best, of course, saves the day and all that. But is everything as it usually is? Or is there a surprise waiting for Percy right around the corner?


Another trip, another dire situation where Percy found himself stepping in to save the day. This time, he was in Ancient America, when the Native Americans still roamed the land and the Europeans had just begun to set their sights on the vast, untapped potential of North America’s resources. Needless to say, Percy hadn’t taken too kindly to the man known as Governor John Ratcliffe. He’d tried talking to the man, at least once… but it quickly became obvious that he couldn’t be reasoned with.

The Native Americans on the other hand, were much more reasonable, though Percy somewhat suspected that a large part of that had to do with his entourage of exotic, yet dark-skinned women. His… harem, for lack of a better word, had certainly turned out to be quite diverse, with Mulan being the closest to a pale skin tone thanks to her Asian heritage.

That was all to say, Percy had found it quite easy to side with the Native Americans over Governor Ratcliffe and his invading army. Sure, Chief Powhatan was mistrustful, but he was also undeniably desperate. The Europeans had guns after all, and while the Native Americans had numbers, they were still a little outmatched.

Throwing Percy Jackson into the mix, not just a demigod, but something far more at this point, had ultimately ended things as peacefully as they could be ended. Governor Ratcliffe and his crew had been sent back to England with their tails between their legs, and the Native Americans of the region were safe, for now.

Of course, Percy knew from his own history that it wouldn’t stay that way forever. America had a long and bloody history of progress and advancement on the backs of it’s original inhabitants ahead of it, to say nothing of slavery and the like. But Percy could only do so much. He was well aware that his time was limited, so at the very least, he could say that he helped these people in this moment, and perhaps even gave them another few years of happiness and peace. Perhaps it would be a full generation before the European Settlers really started arriving in force…

Of course, all of that was somewhat what Percy had come to expect from these trips of his. Being dropped somewhere he didn’t quite understand, finding himself in the midst of peril and adventure. Beating the bad guy, saving the day, wooing the damsel. That last bit was reluctant on Percy’s part, but it wasn’t like he hadn’t missed the way that the Chief’s daughter Pocahontas looked at him when she thought he wasn’t looking.

The beautiful Native American woman very clearly saw something she liked, but also wasn’t sure how to approach him, surrounded by all of his other lovers as he was, most of the time.

That was all fairly normal, however. What wasn’t normal was the woman who’d just taken a seat in front of him. Piper Mclean looks Percy in the eye and speaks in a simple, straightforward tone as she leans forward, clad in the attire of the natives but still entirely recognizable to Percy.

“We need to talk.”

Stiffening, Percy just nods. Then, his shoulders slumped.

“When I first saw you… I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t sure if you even recognized me, or if you were like… your ancestor lookalike or something. But it’s really you, isn’t it? Piper… what are you doing here?”

The gorgeous part-Cherokee Head Counselor of Aphrodite’s Cabin, daughter to Aphrodite herself and a man named Tristan McLean, lifts a simple eyebrow at him.

“What am I doing here, Percy? I could ask you the same thing.”

Flushing a little at that, Percy shakes his head and sighs. He waves vaguely in the air with his hand as he tries to work out how to explain.

“I’ve been… traveling, recently. Not entirely of my own volition, mind you. I find myself world-hopping. Being the big damn hero, saving the day… and getting the girl. I always get the girl. Without fail.”

His tone conveys his feelings about that nicely, considering Piper snorts rather than judging him too harshly. Offering a dimple-filled grin, his friend from his old world shakes her head.

“Man, what would Annabeth think?”

Percy straightens at that, the mention of his… at the very least, his best friend, getting him laser-focused. He and Annabeth were hard to put into words, but there was almost no one in the world he cared for more. Though, Percy had a big heart, and a lot of love to go around.

“Annabeth. Is she alright? How has she been? I didn’t mean to worr-!”

Piper cuts him off with a raised hand and a grimace.

“I couldn’t tell you, Percy. She tried to find you but was stopped by her mother. According to Athena, you weren’t meant to be found. By the time I died, I think Annabeth had moved on, but I can’t say for sure.”

“W-Wait, you died?!”

Giving a macabre smile, Piper shrugs her shoulders.

“How else did you think I got here? Reincarnation is my best guess. I lived a good long life as Piper McLean… and then woke up here as Chief Powhatan’s youngest daughter. Pocahontas is my elder sister.”

That’s… crazy. For a moment, Percy wonders… a million things. But before he can put any of it into words, Piper leans forward with an easy smirk on her lips.

“I suppose now I see what I was put here for, hm? It’s been a nice enough vacation… but you need someone who knows what’s going on to watch your back, don’t you?”

Percy lets out a sigh and sheepishly scratches the back of his head at that.

“… These other women who’ve joined me on my travels… they’ve uh… they’ve formed a harem. Centered around me.”

He winces, waiting for the outburst from Piper. He gets one… but not in the way he’s expecting.

“Oh-ho, is that so?! Well, if we’re doing harems now, I’m in.”

Gaping at the Native American woman, he finds her grinning at him.

“Oh yeah, Percy. And you should know… my big sister has been pining after you for days now. In fact…”

As Piper continues talking, Percy blanches, and then blushes, and then ultimately slumps his shoulders in weary resignation. It would seem this trip, for all that Piper’s presence is shocking, isn’t really any different from the others after all.


“Is this… is this really okay?”

“Of course, sister~ This is how they do things in Percy’s world. You want to impress him, don’t you?”

Percy can only stare down at Piper and Pocahontas as the two Native American women kneel before him. Despite being the elder, it’s obvious that Pocahontas is the less experienced. But then to be fair, Piper has two lives’ worth of memories in her head… and one of those lives was as the daughter of Aphrodite.

Regardless, his cock is out and already hard just from their initial ministrations. Piper and Pocahontas had both stroked his member, and now that he was fully erect, Piper was insisting on the other Native American woman taking him in her mouth.

… Once Percy had explained things to the rest of his… harem, they’d all been rather understanding. Understanding enough to give him this night with the two Native American sisters. Judging by how his travels worked, he and them and all of the other girls would be going somewhere new by the next morning.

Regardless, with Piper’s encouragement, Pocahontas finally leans forward… and takes him betwixt her lips. Percy inhales sharply as he watches those full lips of hers wrap around his cock, as he stares down into her eyes while she looks back up at him. She was nervous and very unsure of herself… but the willfully bold woman that Percy had seen in action over the last several days was still there, beneath all of that uncertainty.

After a moment of swallowing his cockhead and realizing that she could actually do this, Pocahontas begins to take more of him into her mouth. In moments, she has half of his length past her lips, acting like a woman possessed. She’s stymied a bit when his cockhead hits the back of her throat for the first time though, leaving the Native American woman mumbling around his cock as she swirls her tongue along the underside.

She glares at the rest of his length still outside of her mouth like it’s personally offended her, but before she can do anything else, Piper reaches around to Pocahontas’ front and abruptly yanks down her top, revealing the dark-skinned woman’s beautiful breasts.

“When your mouth isn’t enough, you should use your breasts, sister. Let me show you.”

Percy watches on as the daughter of Aphrodite walks her older sister in this new life through giving him a blowjob-titjob combo, and soon enough Pocahontas is wrapping her tits around half of his cock while sucking on the rest, bobbing up and down as she slides back and forth.

A low groan leaves Percy’s lips, and he finds himself making eye contact with Piper for a moment, the daughter of Aphrodite giving him a coy smile that only makes his cock throb even more. At this rate, it won’t be any of the numerous villains he finds himself facing that do him in. No, its these beautiful, strong women who will end up being the death of him.

Pocahontas may not have much experience with fellatio, it’s clear that Piper is just introducing her fellow Native American to the concept of sucking dick, but she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm. In no time at all, Percy finds himself tossing his head back and groaning much louder, before throwing out a warning to the two mocha-skinned beauties on their knees before him.

“I’m getting close!”

Pocahontas looks confused, but Piper knows exactly what she’s doing. She pulls her elder sister’s head back off of his cock and lines them both up so they’re side by side. When Pocahontas sees her younger sister tilting her head back and lolling out her tongue, the virgin Native American woman does the same, seemingly unsure, but willing to ape Piper even still.

A moment later, Percy is blowing his load all over their faces and chests, staining their darker skin with his white hot seed. He grunts at the feeling and at the sight, a little awed and a little mesmerized. Especially when, after a moment of accepting his cum, the two women turn to one another and without missing a beat, begin to lick each other clean. Pocahontas barely seems to need any help here, she’s all too happy to slurp his cum off of Piper while the other woman does the same to her.

By the time they’re done cleaning each other, Percy is hard again. Piper is quick to push Pocahontas into the next position, helping her strip her clothes down so that he suddenly finds himself staring at two beautifully chiseled, athletically fit Native American behinds. Their asses are shapely and feminine, while also clearly being the asses of two women who have NOT gotten to sit around all day. They’ve worked for this life, worked hard for it…

And now they want him. It’s a heady feeling, and one Percy has to admit he’s still getting used to. In the end though, how can he say no? Placing one hand on Piper’s ass to make sure she knows he’s not forgetting her; Percy nevertheless lines up behind Pocahontas first. Piper watches on with a smile as he penetrates her elder sister in this life from behind, taking Pocahontas’ virginity and claiming the Native American woman right then and there.

Pocahontas, for her part, moans wantonly, arching her back like the inexperienced lover she is, shuddering in surprised ecstasy. Percy starts off with a slow pace but is soon fucking her hard and fast after finding her more than wet enough, more than aroused enough for him. He plows her, and soon enough she’s cumming around his cock, crying out into the open air.

Percy can only hope no one comes looking to see what all the fuss is about. Somehow though, he knows they won’t be disturbed. The rest of his harem is watching over them and running interference. And so, he doesn’t hold back as he fucks Pocahontas, nor does he make her hold back her own voice. The Native American woman’s voice is truly melodic, and it’s almost like she’s singing his praises as he rams into her from behind, making her cum for him again and again and again.

Finally, Percy seeds her. For a split second, he wonders if he should have creampied her… but who is he kidding? Of course she’s coming with him. Her and Piper both. Speaking of which, Percy pulls out of Pocahontas and slides into her younger sister a moment later. Piper grins back at him over her shoulder, and Percy gives her a grin in return, even as he starts off fast and hard, knowing the daughter of Aphrodite wouldn’t want it any other way.

Piper had always been a tough girl, and a strong woman. Percy was proud to call her his friend in his old world. Now though… now it seemed he was bound for a new world, a new life. Who knew if his journeys would ever end? The existence of Piper did mean that he might see Annabeth again, one day. But Piper’s words also meant that he was likely never meant to return to his old world.

More than that, Percy knew he wasn’t staying the same. Every single one of these trips… it was like he was changing, being altered by his adventures. It wasn’t just the women who were joining him on his travels either, but the lands they came from that were following him. Even now, as he fucks Piper while Pocahontas recovers, Percy can feel the land around them positively singing with their union.

Perhaps it was because this was Native American land, and they were always closer to nature, but Percy can feel it so much stronger here. He can feel it, like something otherworldly and beyond all of the Gods and Titans and Giants that he’s faced before has its eyes on him… and is pleased with what he’s accomplishing.

Losing himself in Piper, Percy… fucks her silly. There’s no other word for it, and Piper is more capable of withstanding him then most. The demigod, daughter of Aphrodite herself, lasts a good long while against Percy… but even she ends up cumming her brains out eventually, her hands clawing at the ground beneath them, her tongue lolling out and her eyes rolling back in her head.

Percy seeds her like he did Pocahontas, and then slowly pulls out of her as she falls forward, landing on her side. Staring at them both, the two Native American women panting heavily and holding each other for support, Percy feels his cock begin to rise again… and as they see this, neither Pocahontas nor Piper react with fear or trepidation as he expects them to. Instead, they look upon him with lust… and nothing but desire in their eyes.



Lol, I loved the update but the moment I got into this all I could think was "Did this Mofo just kick his own ancestors out of the not-US?". I mean, its by no means the worst thing anyone even vaguely affiliated to Olympus has done to their own people, but still. If this were actual time travel instead of faux-dimension hopping I feel like he might have butterflied himself there. Either way, I am very glad that this is becoming an increasingly more regular series. I would also love an update where its just him and his girls chilling somewhere. I feel like we're starting to reach the stage where there's too much competition for screen-time.


Loving where this is going, I can't wait to see what happens if he ever goes back to his home time/dimension.


can't wait to see percy taking meg from hercules