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Themes: Public Sex, Foursome, Master/Slave

Summary: Part 2 of Seeing Double. Mina didn't know that Izuku thought of her like that or that he was so kinky. But when he mistakenly assumes that she's Toga in disguise and suggests public sex, she can't help but go for it. And it gets better when Ochaco and the real Toga join in. 


Mina Ashido, despite her very inhuman appearance, was still a fairly cute girl with a cute body. That meant that, much like the rest of her gender, she’d dealt with sexual harassment all her life. Whether it was just verbal catcalling on the sidewalk, or unwanted touching on the bus, Mina knew what it was like to be objectified and treated like less than a human being. It didn’t help that her appearance, which she’d tried to reclaim ownership of with her Pro Hero name ‘Alien Queen’, brought out some of the creeper fetish freaks.

This is all to say, Mina finds herself taking the bus one day. While it’s relatively crowded, it’s not so crowded that everyone is pressed up against one another yet. Which is why, when she initially feels a presence much too close behind her, Mina tenses up, suspecting what’s about to happen. However, instead of the usual probing brush of your average molester, who would on average start with rubbing their knuckles against her hip to see if she would say or do anything, this was a full blown booty grab.

Mina is so stunned at first that she doesn’t know how to react, and when she belatedly tries to throw an elbow back into the gut of the man groping her ass, she’s further shocked when he grabs her by the wrist and almost contemptuously manhandles her over to a nearby corner of the bus, pressing her up against a wall as she gasps in surprise.

Still, she’s not some damsel in distress. She’s a fucking Pro Hero, and how this jackass didn’t recognize her, given she couldn’t exactly hide her pink complexion, dark eyes, or yellow horns, was beyond Mina. But just because he’d accidentally bit off more than he could chew, didn’t mean that she was going to take it easy on him. She was pretty much the worst woman for a man to try and sexually assault like this.

Turning her head, Mina gets ready to lob some acidic spit in the molester’s direction… only to freeze up when she sees just who it is. Izuku Midoriya looks back at her with a strangely knowing grin, continuing to molest her ass, groping and squeezing her buttocks as he pushes her up against the bus wall, the bulge in his crotch rubbing against her all the while.

“Really, Pet? I know what I said, but this… there’s going to be punishment later for this.”

What… what the FUCK was Izuku talking about? Mina opens her mouth to speak, to ask exactly that… but then closes it shut just as quickly, blushing as she stifles a moan that threatens to leave her lips. F-Fuck, Izuku was really good with his hands. But that wasn’t why she had thought better of speaking. It was just… she’d been carrying a torch for the young man for a long time, is all.

Izuku Midoriya was the kindest boy in all of Class 1-A. He was, however, also the most courageous, most badass, and most selfless. He was, quite frankly, the catch of the entire class… and Ochaco Uraraka had beaten them all to it.

At Mina’s silence, Izuku lets out a low sigh and leans in close, nuzzling into her neck.

“Really… are you trying to get Mina in trouble, or something? For shame, Pet, for shame.”

Mina blinks at that, even as Izuku, despite his words, seems to have no intentions of stopping. No one seems to be looking at them at least, but he’s definitely getting more and more handsy, pulling down her bottoms and exposing her pink ass so he can grope it directly.

She’s not stupid, and based on that last thing Izuku said, Mina finally understands that this is a case of mistaken identity. Which is… weird? Because it’s not like she’s pretending to be anyone else. Which meant Izuku had gotten on this bus expecting to find someone who looked like her? And he intended to… to fuck them?

It was all a little hard to wrap her head around, and the important thing was that right now, Izuku thought she was someone else… someone he was willing to have sex on a bus in public with. Someone he wanted to fuck the way Mina had always wanted to be fucked by him. Was it any wonder then, that she doesn’t raise any sort of protest, merely whimpering and clawing at the wall of the bus as Izuku frees his cock from its confines and presses it up between her pink thighs.

“Jeez, does Mina really have this good of an ass, or are you taking liberties Pet? Honestly, this is amazing…”

Izuku’s tone of wonder fills Mina with a sense of pride, and she can’t help but grin, even as he finally pushes into her. The pink-skinned alien girl has always been a cheerful and easygoing sort of gal. She’s always been very excitable, and very energetic. But a lot of that was an act put on to off-set her inhuman and monstrous visage. She acted the way she did because if she didn’t put herself out there and insert herself into things, she would have been left behind and abandoned. It’d happened often enough in her earlier years for Mina to know she HAD to be extroverted if she wanted any friends at all.

But for once, Izuku was coming to her. He was fucking her on a… o-on a bus of all places. Bringing one hand up to cover her mouth, Mina whimpers into her own palm, trying to stay as quiet as possible for once, even as Izuku holds her by her hips, his thumbs digging into her ass cheeks as he thrusts into her from behind.

And then suddenly, they’re not quite alone and undetected in their corner of the bus anymore. Two presences make themselves known, and glancing over her shoulder, Mina’s eyes widen at the sight of a blushing, wide-eyed Ochaco… and h-herself, standing there staring at her, just as shocked. Izuku, meanwhile, is very focused on fucking Mina… right up until his girlfriend places a hand on his shoulder and insistently whispers into his ear.

“I-Izuku! That’s the REAL Mina Ashido!”

Izuku’s head whips around, taking Ochaco and the fake Mina in for a moment, before jerking back towards the real Mina, making eye contact with her as his engorged cock throbs inside of her clenching twat. The jig was up. Damn.


“… So let me see if I got this straight.”

Needless to say, much to Mina’s chagrin, Izuku had not kept fucking her there in the bus while Ochaco and her doppelganger watched. But at the same time, there was absolutely no way for it to just be all one big misunderstanding, with some sheepish laughter and them going their separate ways, no sir.

Mina wanted an explanation, and so Izuku took her, her twin, and Ochaco to a nearby love hotel for a bit more… privacy. The pimple-faced teen at the front desk looked absolutely gobsmacked as Izuku led the three of them up to their room, and Mina hadn’t been able to resist giving the kid a wink and blowing him a kiss… until she realized, embarrassingly enough, that her duplicate had started to do the exact same thing.

Regardless, they were now in private, just the four of them, and Mina was now the only Mina in the room. Instead of her duplicate, there was now one Himiko Toga, a notorious villain, on her knees at the foot of the bed, a dog collar around her neck and absolutely nothing else. And yet, Mina was still trying to wrap her head around all of this.

“Toga inserted herself into your lives by pretending to be Ochaco, resulting in Izuku engaging in rough enough sexual play with her for her mind to break in a… positive direction. This has resulted in her restructuring herself into ‘Pet’, Izuku’s slave. And what I stumbled into was Pet here planning to pretend to be me on the very same bus I just happened to be on, resulting in Izuku thinking that I was actually Pet, and pinning me against the wall to fuck me.”

Izuku just nods sheepishly, while Ochaco frowns at Mina, something of an accusation in her face.

“You didn’t exactly fight back, Mina. You could have stopped him at any time! Or at least told him you were the real Mina! He would have believed you! … probably…”

Choosing to ignore the ‘probably’, Mina sniffs, crossing her arms under her chest and looking Izuku dead in the eye.

“I want in.”

Izuku blinks in surprise, Ochaco sputters… and Himiko looks downright unsurprised, the blonde yandere only nodding as if this made perfect sense. Mina pays the villainess no mind though, knowing that the kneeling collared girl isn’t who she has to convince here.

“If you’re opening up your relationship, I want in. I’ll even be a pet too, if that’s how you want it to be. Maybe not twenty-four-seven like crazy chick here, but I’m fine with taking a load off and being the submissive after a day of heroing. Regardless of how we do this… I want in.”

Izuku and Ochaco exchange a glance at that, which Mina patiently endures. They have a whole conversation in silence, before Ochaco finally hesitantly nods and the two turn back to her.

“… Alright.”

That’s from Izuku, and Mina immediately lets out a whoop of glee… followed by shucking her top off over her head and beginning to shimmy out of her bottoms.

“Great! No time like the present then! I call dibs, since my first time with Master was so rudely interrupted~”

And so, a very naked Mina is soon on the bed on her hands and knees, with Izuku sliding into position behind her. His hands go to her ass and his cock rubs against the entrance of her sopping wet pussy. As she shivers in anticipation, Ochaco in turn sidles into place in front of her, glaring a little bit as she reaches out and grabs one of Mina’s horns.

“… I’m Izuku’s top bitch, got it? Which makes me yours and Pet’s Mistress. So long as that’s understood, we’ll have no problems.”

Mina is surprised for a moment, she hadn’t known Ochaco had it in her. But after a small laugh at seeing how serious the brunette is about this, Mina just grins and nods.

“Of course, Mistress. Whatever you need~”

Of course, a moment after that, Izuku plunges into her again, and Mina’s grin transforms into open-mouthed wonder as she moans wantonly. Ochaco watches her face contort in pleasure with a certain savage satisfaction in her eyes, before ultimately grabbing hold of both of Mina’s horns and drawing the pink-skinned, dark-eyed girl down to her waiting pussy lips. Mina, true to her word, lets this happen and once her mouth is against Ochaco’s cunny, she lets her tongue trace out, winding it up inside of the brunette woman.

Ochaco moans while Izuku groans, and Mina is left trapped in the middle of them, getting spit-roasted between her ‘Master’ and ‘Mistress’ as Izuku plows her hard and fast from behind. It might not be exactly how Mina fantasized about it happening… she’d never been so kinky as to imagine there would be more than just her and Izuku there after all. But that didn’t make it any less fun, and Mina decides then and there to just go with the flow like always.

She’d be their little fuck toy, if that was what it took. She’d kneel with a collar around her neck right alongside Himiko, if it gave her a chance of being with the coolest guy she’d ever known. After carrying a torch for Izuku for so damn long, the self-titled Alien Queen was finally getting a chance to see how he was in bed. He was better than her best fantasies. In this instance, the real thing was NOT disappointing.

Of course, while Mina is the current star of the show, there’s another woman in the room still. Crawling up onto the bed, Himiko looks on as her Master and Mistress go at it with Mina… and then she transforms, turning into a copy of Mina once more, just out of the real Mina’s view.

Unaware of this, Mina isn’t ready for what happens next. To suddenly be bereft of a cock inside of her pussy, and a cunt to eat out with her tongue. She blinks, only to then be tackled onto her back, pinned down by her… self, except wearing a collar. Staring up into her own eyes, the sclera black and the irises yellow, she stares for a moment… before Toga-as-Mina attacks her with her mouth and tongue, heatedly making out with her.

With the two pink-skinned women pinned together, Izuku begins fucking them both, pistoning in and out of their cunts one after the other. With his Quirk, he can even make it an actual functioning fuck, his cock moving so fast and with such precision that it feels like he’s fucking them both at the exact same time without any delay between thrusts.

Meanwhile, Ochaco fingers herself and plays with a breast for a moment, watching the display… before ultimately growling lustfully. She might be eager to be Izuku’s slave, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still top bitch of his burgeoning harem. And that’s what this was, she had to admit… they were developing a harem now.

Well, Ochaco refused to be sidelined. And so, grabbing both Mina and Toga-as-Mina by the yellow horns coming out of their unruly pink manes, Ochaco pulls their faces apart and shoves her tits into their mouths.


And suck they do, obeying immediately, though the real Mina’s eyes positively dance with delight and mischief, while Toga-as-Mina is as submissive towards her Mistress as ever. The display, of both Minas going ham on Ochaco’s tits while Izuku pounds into each of them… it’s a very sexy one, and in the end, Izuku groans, getting close to the edge.

In the end, he doesn’t choose between his girls. Why choose, when one can have all of them? Pulling out at the last second, Izuku stands up on the mattress itself, easily finding his balance as he strokes his throbbing, pulsating cock the rest of the way to completion. A moment later and he’s cumming all over all three women, positively covering them in his seed.

Ochaco, Himiko, and Mina all moan wantonly and throatily, taking his cum across their naked, sweaty bodies without hesitation, before positively attacking one another to slurp his jizz off of each other’s bodies. As they go at it, as they writhe and wiggle and squirm on the bed before him, Izuku’s cock twitches and begins to harden all over again… and he can tell, it’s going to be a hell of a long day.


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