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A/N: Big day today! The posting of this chapter means the release of Chapter 1 to all of my public websites is eminent. I only hope that they all show me as much love as you guys have so far!


“It is a p-pleasure to see you again, Hero. I look f-forward to traveling together.”

As the Holy Priestess stammers her way through her greeting, she gives Marcus a deep bow before rising just as fast. The half-orc finds he can only nod at her distractedly, despite the… bounce of her chest practically demanding his attention. It IS nice to see Angelina again, bodacious body and all. In fact, part of him is vaguely, distantly relieved that she’s no longer under the purview of that Bishop, Archibald.

Not that Marcus necessarily had any reason to believe the Bishop was planning anything untoward with Priestess Angelina, but he just hadn’t liked the way the rotund bald man had looked at her. Not one bit.

At the same time, he’s also vaguely and distantly surprised that Angelina is even here. The impression he’d gotten from her back in the Chapel was that his very presence made her uncomfortable. There was nothing Marcus could do about that back then; he was just another orphan there to be Awakened after all. But now? Was it really right to have her assigned to his party permanently? Wouldn’t that not be fair to her?

Except… Marcus could barely spare a second thought towards that concern, busy as he was staring at the Beastkin Thief in their midst. Eris, as her Holiness had named her, was a petite, small thing. With cat ears and a tail drooped down behind her, she was practically half his size. She was also keeping her eyes on the ground, making her seem even smaller to Marcus’ senses.

He felt stupid now for his previous thoughts. When that other orphan had been Awakened with the Thief Job, Marcus had almost been happy to see him carted off by the Paladins. He’d had several of his own belongings pilfered by the other boy after all. Whenever Marcus was foolish enough to leave one of the scant few things he owned alone in the orphanage, he could trust it to go missing.

Back at the Chapel, he’d even thought to himself that it was actually fairly generous of the Church to not kill Thieves on the spot. Yes, because Indentured Servitude was so much better. Enslavement to the Church was such a great outcome. Marcus had actually believed that, but now… now he’d had his eyes opened to the world around him. People like Paladin Eric and Chief Blacksmith Karn might have been good sorts, but Bishop Archibald definitely wasn’t… and he was a Bishop!

The thing was, Marcus had thought Serafina was different until this moment. But now… now here she was, foisting a slave off onto him. Damn it all, if it wasn’t one thing, it was another.

“Priestess Angelina will be your healer, of course. If you take injury in battle, she will be there to restore your health and increase your strength and speed. You need only allow her Light to flow through you and in conjunction with the power of the Destined Hero, you will be able to fell any foe.”

As Serafina speaks, Marcus stays silent. Because… what can he say, really? It’s not just seeing a cute girl in chains and a collar that’s making him rethink his original stance on the Church’s treatment of ‘Evil’ Jobs. No, of course it isn’t. It’s also his own situation that has him realizing his original stance was just plain wrong.

He still feels it in his heart of hearts. Maybe he let himself be convinced otherwise for a fraction of a second, but Marcus still knows the truth even if no one else is willing to accept it. He is the Dark Lord, full stop. And so… by all rights, he should be in the same situation as Eris. Or maybe something worse even. He should be chained and shackled and locked up in the Cathedral’s dungeons right now.

By all that the Church teaches, that is where Marcus belongs.

… And so he stays quiet, even as Serafina moves on to Eris, stepping up to the diminutive Beastkin and fiddling with her clothes and collar and shackles.

“And this, of course, is Eris. She will serve as your sneaker.”

“Thief, you mean.”

Marcus winces at the words the moment they come from his lips, but he can’t bring himself to regret them. Serafina’s eyes dart over to him and for a moment she looks disapproving. But apparently being the Destined Hero buys him a LOT of leeway with the Holy Pope, because that moment passes and she’s all smiles again a moment later.

“The Church prefers not to use that word, Marcus. People like Eris might be disadvantaged… but that doesn’t mean they can’t still be valuable members of society. Eris, for instance, will be a member of the Destined Hero’s Party. Your Party. Could she possibly have hoped for anything better than this?”

Not trusting himself to speak, Marcus just stands there, watching as Serafina continues to touch Eris’ collar and shackles. Only now does he begin to realize that there’s a purpose to her touching.

“But yes. Eris here did in fact Awaken as a Thief just today. She went to another Chapel just like yours only a few hours ago, where it was discovered precisely what Job she had. An unfortunate set of circumstances… but she’s been very compliant so far all the same. The most compliant sneaker that we’ve had in a long time, in fact. That’s the thing though, Marcus. Eris can be so much more than just her Job Title. Yes, being a Thief is the core of her being, but if utilized properly by someone who is not intending to break the law and steal from people, she can do plenty of good in the world.”

Serafina looks to him, her smile widening.

“For instance, under the guidance of the Destined Hero, Eris here can act as a scout. She can act as a spy. She can sneak into places that you wouldn’t be able to sneak into, and gain access to things that you would not normally be able to gain access to. At least, not without plenty of brute force on your part. Hence, she is a sneaker. In the same way Angelina will reinforce you with her healing spells and the Light, Eris here will support you with deft fingers and quick feet.”

He almost opens his mouth and asks Serafina why Eris needs the collar and shackles then. Why can’t they free her, and let her choose? But he doesn’t. He doesn’t speak up, because he knows that the Church will not allow it. A Thief going unsupervised? A Thief free to do whatever they wanted, to get up to whatever mischief they liked?

Marcus couldn’t be sure that even his status as the Destined Hero would allow that much. So instead he stays quiet, and after a beat of awkward silence, Serafina beckons to him.

“Come here, Marcus.”

He does so stiffly, and when she holds out a hand, he gives her his own. She brings it over to Eris’ collar and in a flash of light whatever Serafina has been doing is finished. Marcus blinks the light out of his eyes, only to find Serafina giving him a crooked grin.

“She’s yours now. The ownership of the collar was transferred to me earlier today, while we were waiting for you to be discovered. Now, I’ve transferred it to you. No one in the entire Church can give her orders now… only you can. You need not worry about daggers at your back, Marcus. Eris will be your creature, through and through.”

Did Serafina truly not realize she was gifting him a person? A living, breathing person? Marcus grimaces, still not entirely sure how to respond. He’s also caught off guard by the way Eris’ eyes have lifted from the floor with the transfer of ownership. The little Beastkin stares at him silently, with big eyes that Marcus can’t quite read. He doesn’t know how to even begin guessing what she’s thinking about all of this.

“Your Holiness, w-would it be alright if we used the Cathedral as our base of operations and-!”


Marcus blinks, having gotten so caught up in Eris’ stare that he was distracted from what else was happening. Until, that is, Serafina’s sharp denial of Angelina’s request managed to pull him away. Looking over, he parses the last bit of conversation and half-blanches. The idea of staying here at the Cathedral… it turned his stomach if he was being honest. Not just because of his own situation, but also because of Eris now as well.

That Serafina had shut it down was good… but also strange. For whatever reason, the Holy Pope didn’t like the idea of them staying in the Cathedral any more than Marcus did. But why not? Wasn’t this her own seat of power?

Offering Angelina an apologetic smile, Serafina looks over to Marcus.

“While Marcus is the Destined Hero, and the Church must do all it can to support his journey, he is not meant to be OF the Church. He cannot be beholden to the Church, for instead… he is ABOVE the Church.”

Marcus’ eyes widen at that declaration. Angelina, meanwhile, lets out a sharp gasp.

“Y-Your Holiness?!”

But Serafina stands with her back straight and her head high seemingly paying Angelina no mind as she stares Marcus down.

“You will be given funds for your journey, Marcus. And I would recommend staying in the city long enough for your arms and armor to be delivered wherever it is you find yourself. But after that… you must follow your instincts. The Dark Lord is out there somewhere, and when the Church fails to find them ahead of time as we have this generation, it falls to the Destined Hero to seek them out. You are the best suited for the task of hunting down their vile presence and putting an end to it once and for all.”

Serafina takes in a breath, collects her thoughts, and continues.

“You must not let anyone hold you back, Marcus. Let no one dictate your path to you, not even me. Move forward with surety and purpose. So long as you have Angelina and Eris at your side, I know in my heart that you will not falter.”

With a soft smile, Serafina steps forward and goes up on her toes, laying a chaste kiss on Marcus’ cheek. Nothing too intimate… if one doesn’t know of what happened to them earlier in that chamber on her throne. Marcus, of course, colors at the kiss, blushing profusely as the Holy Pope pulls away and gives him a simple nod.

“Now, come. Let us get you squared away financially, and then you must be on your way.”

As she leads them out of the room, Marcus can’t help but feel like he’s been struck upside the head. Again. Will the blows ever stop coming?


An hour later, he sits on the bed in a fairly spacious inn room, staring at his big, green hands. He’s finally had time to process everything that’s happened since his Awakening and… ultimately, it still doesn’t all make sense to him. He’s sat here for what feels like a good hour just thinking about it all. Yes, he still feels like he’s the Dark Lord. But everyone still thinks he’s the Destined Hero. No, he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on, even now.

That does raise a simple question… why the fuck is he still here? Serafina herself had been what finally got him away from the Church, but he was still in the Capital, the seat of the Church’s power. He was still within easy reach of the Paladins if the mistake was uncovered and they wanted to seize him to wait for the REAL Destined Hero to show up.

If he truly wanted to take the extremely large amount of gold that Serafina had given the party and run, he definitely could. Angelina alone wasn’t going to be able to stop him. He could easily be outside the city before she even knew he was gone.

So then why was he still here? Well, part of it was because of the arms and armor he’d been promised. Marcus had to admit, he didn’t know what shape the armor Karn had in mind for him would take, but he was excited for it. Something enchanted out the ass, but roomy enough for him to grow into? It sounded amazing. Marcus had never owned armor before. He kind of wanted to at least see it.

On top of that, that halberd had felt so good in his hands. He wanted to play with it some more. Rather, he wanted to fight with it. Wouldn’t do to go out into the wilderness unarmed and unarmored. Even if he was the Dark Lord or Destined Hero or whatever, even if he had a half-orc’s constitution, he still needed equipment.

More than that though… Marcus was seriously considering giving this whole Destined Hero thing a try anyways. They hadn’t found him out yet. So maybe he COULD be the Hero? Maybe he could be what they needed him to be and save the day. The only hiccup to that was the expectation that he would hunt down and kill the Dark Lord. He didn’t exactly intend to kill himself any time soon.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t do some good in the Destined Hero’s name, right? Even at the orphanage, they heard about the Holy Empire’s troubles. Banditry was on the rise, for one. There were monsters and evil creatures always preying upon border towns as well. Plenty for him to do, even if he never actually ‘found’ the Dark Lord at all.

The way Serafina had spoken back there… acting like he was the supreme authority, even above herself, giving him control over Eris’ collar and making it clear to him that no one from the Church could order her around anymore… it had Marcus wondering if there might have been some hidden message behind the Holy Pope’s words.

For instance, there was that information she’d given him about Eris. Why would Serafina gift him a Thief that had literally Awakened just that day? Was it truly as Serafina had said, and Eris had just proven to be exceptionally compliant? Or was there something more to the Holy Pope’s decision?

One would think Serafina of all people wouldn’t speak in riddles, but the way she’d acted, it was almost as though she thought he’d be in danger if he stayed at the Cathedral overly long. Whether that was danger of being killed or danger of being accosted, Marcus didn’t know. Maybe he was reading into all of it way too much.

He did know one thing for shit-sure, however. Even in his state of total inner turmoil, Marcus couldn’t let Eris’ situation continue, not for one more moment.

Pushing off of the bed he’s been sat on for an hour now at long last, the half-orc strides for the door with purpose. He steps out into the hall and makes his way to Eris’ room, knocking and clearing his throat once he’s outside her door.

“Its Marcus… may I come in?”

For a long moment, there’s no answer. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if she doesn’t say anything. He’ll probably still enter anyways, but he’s trying to be respectful here. He doesn’t want to accidentally walk in on her getting dressed or something like tha-

“… yes.”

What can only be Eris’ voice drifts through the door, startling Marcus almost as badly as if she’d yelled at him. Blinking, he slowly opens the door and steps into the room, closing it behind him as he goes. Eris is sat on the bed when he enters, but the moment she sees him, she leaps to her feet, seemingly uncertain.

Marcus doesn’t give her the chance to speak. He doesn’t even approach her. He doesn’t have to. When Serafina said she transferred ownership over to him, she meant it. He could feel it now that enough time had passed. Niggling away in the back of his mind. He had complete control over Eris’ collar and shackles. And through them, he had complete control of her.

But while Marcus might not know who or what the fuck he was just yet, he knew one thing for certain. He wasn’t going to be a slaver, full stop.

And so, he’s already reached out with his mind as she hops to her feet. He’s already taken hold of that connection he has with her collar and shackles… and shredded it into nothing. As he purposefully destroys the magic linking them together as Master and Servant, Marcus watches the collar around Eris’ neck snap open, and the shackles around her wrists and ankles fall away. It all clatters to the floor, defunct and disabled.

Bouncing on the wooden floor of the room, both of them stare down at the instruments of her enslavement for a long second. And then, Eris lunges at him.

Marcus lets it happen. He’s not about to let her kill him, but he’s also not against letting her work out some of her hatred and frustration on him if it’ll make her feel better. She’s free now so really he’s happy to support whatever she wants to do next, so long as it doesn’t end up with her back in the Church’s clutches. He figures he’ll let her scratch him up for a little bit and get it out of her system before they sit down and talk things through. It only makes sense in Marcus’ mind.

… Which is why he’s so surprised when the Beastkin lands on him, but rather than clawing him up and trying to turn him into shredded meat… her lips slam into his, and she kisses him deeply and passionately with a LOT more tongue than Marcus is expecting.

The half-orc’s eyes widen from their half-closed state as the diminutive Beastkin kisses him like she’s trying to suck the damn life out of him or something. Eventually, they do have to break apart for air. As their lip lock ends, Eris pulls away just enough to look him in the eye, a conniving smile on her lips as she licks them eagerly.

“My Lord.”

… What the fuck?!


A/N: "If the hits could stop coming for just ONE SECOND!" ~ Marcus probably

Anyways, Marcus ain't about that enslavement life. Unless the girl is willing, then he might have something for her fufufu~

But whats this about Eris suddenly being such a minx? Hmmm what could it mean...

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and please be sure to let me know what you thought!

As well, if any of you have the time and the inclination to do so, please go back to whichever public website you discovered me through and give this story your endorsement. No need to shill my Patreon or anything like that, just leave a comment or a review vocalizing your (hopefully honest) support for the story. I would really appreciate it!



Well...that escalated quickly.


Still, happy he has a conscience to help her.... the benefits look *far* more rewarding.


Bam* You're the Hero. Bam* You're meeting the Pope. Bam* She felates you on her throne. Bam* She gives you a slave. Bam* You free the slave and she snogs you hard and deep. Marcus is the victim of fate pulling a Dempsey Roll. No time to counter, think or even react... just hit, after hit after hit. Someone seriously needs to help him hit the pause button so he can think things through.


Beep bop. Destined Hero exposure complete. Beep bop. Commencing Dark Lord exposure. Beep Bop.


Hey maybe she's just calling him her lord because she was his slave for an hour, who can say? :P


Another good chapter, thanks. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's a little strange that Serafina didn't prepare a Ranger/Archer for the party. Someone who could provide ranged attacks and knows wilderness survival.


Huh, neat. I dont know why but I didn't think we'd see Angelina again. Also "Dark Lord" has to mean what it means right? The next chapter is going to be interesting.


Hmmm, this is a good point. Maybe a bit of an oversight on her part. Might have to include a little note on that once Marcus and his group gets out of the city lol


In my original outline the Holy Priestess who Awakened Marcus was some no name, but as I was writing the first chapter I realized that she needed a name, and then I thought "well why can't she be Angelina?" and thus that was born lol. Angelina was always going to be in Marcus' party, but she wasn't originally intended to Awaken him xD


Actually I am fairly certain I see where you are going with this him thinking he is the dark lord while the church sees him as the destined hero. I will PM you to see if I am right so to not spoil anything.

Smile Dip

I kind of wonder if she has an instinctual knowledge of his true job, maybe from the slave connection, or if the concept of being his slave was a huge turn on. Freeing her and making it not a purely enforced hierarchy probably helped matters though.

Smile Dip

Actually, one more theory for the road. Maybe beastkin have an innate connection to the Dark Lord? I'm convinced she either knows the truth, it's a kink thing, or both.


Alright, tbh the pace feels like crap at the moment. After the big revelation. It feels like the quality is slowly starting to plummet. I'm going to assume that it's because of the slow pace. Like in the last chapter we were technically suppose to meet the party but we got sidetracked by the armor. Rereading the chapter, I can't help but feel like that scene was forced in just to get Marcus some agency. But in doing so, it kinda adds unnecessary scenes to what could've been done earlier. Earlier, the Paladin said he should get some armor, and he could've talked to the blacksmith during the tour with the Bishop guy. Then have the The Holy Milf call him in just as the tour was about to resume. Course that's par for the course on the sex scenes. I know we only have one but the suddenness of the scene kinda ruins the impact. Seraphina felt a little forced and the Cat going in is just as sudden. Escalation can provide decent impact, but if done too quickly and continuously it feels like shoehorning in the sex for the sake of sex. Simply put, try and make some of the scenes more natural because it just feels like another Bad "Power Fantasy" fic. Those aren't always bad, mind you, but it's all about delivery. And while your hook got me invested, you're failing to reel me in for the rest of the story if this keeps up. Sorry if I'm being nitpicky.


How come there is not two fighters in the party?


Hm interesting, I actually added the Blacksmith scene partially to give Marcus agency based on your previous comment about his head being up his ass lol. However the Blacksmith scene was also added because someone else asked about Marcus' weapons and armor and I realized I hadn't put much thought into them. That said, the original chapter that the Blacksmith scene replaced was a massive Nothing Chapter with more introspection and practically no character interaction so I think I made the right call there xD As for Serafina's sex scene, I recognize it was a bit sudden but that was sort of the point of it to be honest. We'll have to see what you think of Eris' motivations after the next couple chapters. This first Story Arc is definitely a "Meet the Cast" sort of thing so I can get why it might have started to feel slow. Hopefully by the end of it there is more to interest you. Things pick up massively in Arc 2 when Marcus and co. get out there and start adventuring though. Don't feel the need to apologize for nitpicking. I enjoy feedback in all forms and will take your criticisms into account going forward. The story I'm intending to tell might just not be meant for you, but hopefully thats not the case and I can pull you back in soon enough.


Funnily enough, there will be eventually. I made Marcus' party small to start with because I didn't want to crowd scenes with too many characters. But later in the story, there will be a fourth member of Marcus' party and they will be a martial fighter like he's going to be lol.


I also expected a "Red" mage you know a wizard or sorcerer to the Cleric, Rouge, Ranger (?), and Paladin or fighter (depending on how Marcus develops). I assume the priestess is mostly for heals and buffs


There actually aren't any wizards in this world. Or if they do exist they don't exist within the Holy Empire because the Church has successfully managed to separate all magic between "Holy" and "Dark"


I also specifically kept the Party small to avoid characters becoming wall flowers and window dressing. A 5 man (or larger) party might be conventional in most other fantasy settings but here Marcus' Job as Destined Hero is expected to pick up most of the slack. Angelina and Eris are support because he's pretty much all the frontline they'll need. This will be explored more when we get to the adventuring in Arc 2


WHOA! I didn't see that coming! So, it seems he's already got a follower from the Dark Lord side. Oh man, you keep me on my toes!


…Hmm. We haven’t heard much about animal people in this world. Are they bad guys according to the world order too? That could be an explanation, that because he is part of work the orc part of him reads whatever he is is Dark Lord.


Beastkin are a species in this world I would say are deemed neither good nor bad. Originally, they were supposed to be slave race within the Holy Empire, but I quickly realized how dumb this idea was for reasons that will soon be apparent in the next couple of updates. So I changed it so Eris wasn't enslaved because she was nominally a Beastkin, but because her Job was Thief xD


I appreciate that, although mostly from the angle of feeling that keeping entire races in chattel slavery would make these still morally ambiguous alleged good guys a bit too unsympathetic, no matter what the shocking number of seemingly genuine slavery apologists I keep running into nowadays might say on the subject.


Yeah it was way over the top... especially because I literally never addressed Beastkin Slavery anywhere else in the story. It was just... why Eris was slotted into Marcus' party seemingly against her will, and then never brought up again lmao. Definitely needed to be changed xD

Lord of Chromius

So she can see what his true job is. Not surprised there, it would make sense that while the Dark Lord Job can hide from the Church and other forces of good, it would make less sense for the job to hide from the evil forces. Especially since the last thing you want is friendly fire from a dark force being fooled by the trick and accidentally killing their Dark Lord.


Hmmm but is she seeing his true Job?! Lol but yes, friendly fire would be bad wouldn't it? xD

